Living in Europe guide for expats

All the information you need to relocate and live in Europe.

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Our selection of articles for expatriation in Europe

Things to do in Berlin alone, with friends or with your partner

Berlin never disappoints those who are ready to have fun. The city offers boundless opportunities for adventurers of all ages and ...

Eating out in Berlin

Berlin is one of the best cities in Europe for trying international cuisines at reasonable prices and tasting traditional German ...

Leisure activities in Berlin

Berlin, one of Europe's most vibrant and bustling cities, is celebrated every day by expats of all ages and statuses. Whether ...

Sports and outdoor activities in Berlin

Berlin is an active city, and Berliners love the outdoors, especially during the spring and summer months when the warm weather ...

Eating out in Frankfurt

Frankfurt cuisine is specific and different from other parts of Germany as it is associated with the centuries-old recipes of the ...

Sports in Frankfurt

Sports and physical activity are highly valued by the people of Frankfurt, who recognize that productivity and success at work ...

Things to do in Frankfurt alone, with your partner or with family

Frankfurt is a great city with plenty of places to visit, whether during the week or for a weekend. It is multinational ...

Accommodation in Berlin

Finding accommodation in Berlin (or any other city for that matter) will be your first step towards settling into your expat life ...

Berlin's neighbourhood guide

Berlin has 12 official boroughs and 96 localities, which, for the most part, are self-sustained, offering different lifestyles ...

Buying property in Berlin

Buying property in Berlin is easier than in most European cities when it comes to the bureaucracy and formalities of the ...

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