Living in Gibraltar guide for expats

All the information you need to relocate and live in Gibraltar.

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About Gibraltar

The most immediately recognisable feature of Gibraltar is its stark cliff sides. However, those who venture into Gibraltar will find a large nature reserve. The reserve is known for being home to Barbary macaques. However, there are numerous historical sites throughout the park.

For expats looking to find a job in Gibraltar, the main pillars of the local economy are tourism, offshore finance and online tech in the form of the numerous online gaming and gambling companies that headquartered there.

As is to be expected, Gibraltar enjoys a Mediterranean climate, although it is slightly cooler than other Spanish cities located on its southern coast. Nonetheless, warm summers and very mild winters can be expected.

Although the official language is English, expats hoping to move to Gibraltar would benefit from the knowledge of Spanish, both due to the countries closeness to Spain and the number of Spanish speakers in the territory.

Quick Information

Official Languages : Spanish; Castilian , Italian , Portuguese
Currency : Pound
Area : 6.5 Km2
Population : 27884
Calling Code : +350
Timezone : Europe/Gibraltar