Living in Belgium guide for expats

All the information you need to relocate and live in Belgium.

Our selection of articles for expatriation in Belgium

Diversity and inclusion in Belgium

The cultural richness and linguistic diversity of Belgium, a country located in the heart of Europe, is something that stands ...

Traveling to Belgium

Expatriation usually means having to deal with administration. tells you which travel documents you need to cross ...

Moving to Belgium with your pet

If you have a pet and are moving to Belgium, you probably want to take them. Here are the rules that apply when traveling to ...

Finding work in Brussels

Home to a diverse array of peoples, cultures, and languages, Brussels is a very multicultural city that is popular amongst ...

Working in Namur

Namur is the capital city of the province of Wallonia. The city is surrounded by Liege, Brussels, and Charleroi. It's ...

Working in Leuven

Leuven is located within the Flanders region in Belgium. It's a Dutch-speaking city that offers opportunities for expatriates ...

Working in Liège

Liège is the economic capital of Wallonia and is a French-speaking city. The area's recently recovered from the ...

Labor market in Belgium

If you wish to move to Belgium and find a job there, you'll want to know about the labor market. We'll help you ...

Working in Charleroi

Charleroi is a French-speaking town located in the Walloon region in Belgium. It is an industrial center, which makes it ideal to ...

Working in Antwerp

Antwerp is famous for its harbor and diamonds. It's located in Flanders, north of Belgium. Conditions apply to work in ...

Sport and sport clubs in Belgium

The Belgian population likes sports, and the country counts renowned athletes in many different disciplines. The country also ...

Elderly healthcare in Belgium

Quality healthcare is important, especially as you age. Here's everything you need to know about healthcare for the elderly ...

Accommodation in Belgium

If you've decided to expatriate to Belgium, housing will be the first thing to do on your list. Here's how to find ...

Accommodation in Namur

If you're planning to move to Namur, you'll need to find accommodation in advance. Unlike other cities with high rents ...

Accommodation in Leuven

Leuven is home to a lot of students but also attracts expats because of the companies implemented there. So, where to find ...

About Belgium

Surrounded by Germany, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and France, Belgium is a federal state deemed to be one of the European Union's main pillars. Stretching over some 30,328 km2, it is smaller than many neighboring countries. But its population amounts to some 12 million inhabitants. It is known to be one of the region's most prosperous countries. Brussels, its capital city and economic hub is as famous.

Belgium consists of three regions, namely Brussels, Wallonia and the Flemish region. Hence, these regions inhabitants speak different languages: French, German and Dutch.

Good to know:

The country consists of 589 municipalities, including Anderlecht which is found in the southwest of Brussels, Antwerp which is found in the Flemish region, Bruges which is found in the Flemish region, Brussels, the capital city, Charleroi and Dinant which are located in the Walloon Region, and Liege which Wallonia's capital city. Namur, for its part, is the capital city of the province bearing the same name.

European Union

Apart from being one of the European Union's focal points, Belgium also hosts many important European institutions. In fact, Brussels has unofficially become the European Union's capital city due to the important meetings which are held there, as well as for important decisions which are taken there. For instance:

  • the European Commission, which is found in Berlaymont, has a monopoly on initiatives regarding European legislation
  • the European Union Council in Brussels is the European Union's real decision-making body
  • the Economic and Social Committee in Brussels is the advisory body where European economic and social partners regularly meet
  • the Regions Committee which is found in Brussels is a consultative body representing local authorities in Europe.

Note that Brussels, as a quintessential European capital city, also chairs on the European GNSS Supervisory Authority (GSA), the European Defense Agency (EDA), the of the Trans-European Transport Executive Agency (EASTR-T) network, the Competitiveness, Innovation, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency, the Education Executive Agency, the Fisheries Community Control Agency the Executive Agency for Research (REA), the European Council Research Executive Agency.


Belgium has a temperate marine climate. Temperatures are quite pleasant in summer, reaching up to 20 °C against 5 °C in winter. However, the South, Wallonia in particular, enjoys an ideal climate for hiking and trekking. Liege, for its part, is surrounded by diverse landscapes, including forests and hills.


Belgium is world-famous for its mussels, chips, beer, waffles, gingerbread, as well as for its rich and modern gastronomy which varies from one region to another. Over the years, Belgium has managed to export some of its specialties, but tourists and newcomers can expect many surprises. You are likely to find restaurant and cafes almost everywhere in Belgian cities as in rural regions.


You will be pleasantly surprised by Belgians' great sense of humor which is complementary to their friendliness and hospitality. You will definitely meet nice people in Belgium, especially if you have decided to settle in Brussels or Wallonia.


From modern art to cartoons, you will be exposed to a great cultural opening in Belgium. The country also has a rich historical and cultural heritage which you will be able to discover when settling there.

Useful links: - Belgium
Belgium ' Official Information and Services
Europa - the EU institutions

Quick Information

Capital : Brussels
Official Languages : Dutch; Flemish , French , German
Currency : Euro
Area : 30510 Km2
Population : 10403000
Calling Code : +32
Timezone : Europe/Brussels