Living in Wales guide for expats

All the information you need to relocate and live in Wales.

About Wales

A part of Welsh culture is the Welsh language. It isn't strictly necessary that expats learn Welsh, however, many place names are Welsh, and it is a spoken language, though English remains the most widely spoken language. Another large, but somewhat unofficial part of Welsh culture is rugby, with Cardiff's Millennium Stadium acting as home to the national team. Nonetheless, football is also a popular sport, as is the case across the UK.

The country's currency is the British pound, though the economy is not as developed as the rest of the UK. Even cities that are significant urban areas by Welsh standards are not comparable to other UK cities, so job-seekers should be wary, particularly those expecting a plethora of multinational companies. Nonetheless, the country has moved more to a service sector economy in recent years, with rural region economies benefiting from tourism. Regarding higher education, universities in Swansea and Cardiff are popular with students.

Though Snowden is the highest mountain, it is far from the only peak, with a large part of the country being mountainous. It also has popular beaches, such as Newport Beach, which is often visited by British tourists during the summer months. Expats can expect warm summers and cool winters, however, there is a high level of precipitation throughout the year.

Quick Information

Capital : London
Official Languages : English , Welsh , Gaelic; Scottish Gaelic
Currency : Pound
Area : 244820 Km2
Population : 62348447
Calling Code : +44
Timezone : Europe/London