
I need an advice! Thanks

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Hello, I have a small question and I know that all of you are busy until the weekend but please let me know which is the best way of arriving to Alford from the Aberdeen Int. Airport.....
From Aberdeen Airport Ionela needs to get to DYCE rail station – it’s less than 3 miles away, she can either take bus number 80 (however it’s not clear if it runs on Sundays) or a taxi
From Dyce take the 18:11 train to Inverness – at 18:35 get off at INSCH.
A single train fare is £5.90

From the Insch station she should take a taxi.
It’s best if she books herself a taxi in advance
Phone number of local taxi company
0044 1464 820 968


shall I choose something else, maybe will be more easy and direct?!

I will arrive Sunday afternoon and from Monday I will start my new job...

Your reply will be highly appreciated!

Thank you,

See also

Setting up a business in ScotlandFinding work in ScotlandInternships in ScotlandWorking in Dundee Working in Edinburgh

You can also take the bus 727 from the airport to Aberdeen Bus Station and  there the bus 220 to Alford. Last 220 is at 8pm. Make sure you have enought time. Good luck!


thank you very much! is more easy and have lot  of time! I will go with this. have a good evening!

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