Visa SOC Code?

I am an instructional designer/adult educator/eLearning developer. I am not a coder, but I design and develop online learning. Can anyone help me with the SOC code? I looked at the shortage list and it looks like this career path could qualify for several codes.


Hi and welcome to the Forum.

Just to make sure you're asking in the right place, your information tells me that you're a US citizen wanting to work in Canada.  Assuming you want to ask about the UK, I'll move on to try and help you.

From what you've said, you probably would qualify under 2136 or 2137, but that's not really how it works, you won't find any jobs advertised for a "2136 instructional designer/adult educator/eLearning developer".  In order to use this visa system, your employer would having decided that they would like to employ you, then have to sponsor your visa application, using one of those codes.

The key aspects as far as you specifically are concerned is that your sponsor would need to prove that you have the relevant experience and evidence enabling them to demonstrate why the job requires someone with the required experience; why the job could not be carried out to by someone with less experience; and, how it would expect a settled worker to gain this experience before being appointed to the post; and then pay you appropriately.

So if you can find a job that falls into one of those two categories and your potential employer is willing to sponsor you, then that is the beginning of the process, still no guarantee it will get accepted, but it's opened the first door for you.

Hope this helps.

Expat Team

Thank you for the info! I updated my profile to clarify my current goals.