
ds 5535, visa CR 1 refused ! Need Help !

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mohamed oussafi

We submitted all the necessary documents, why was our application refused?
My wife went to the US Embassy in Casablanca on 17/10/2017 with all the papers requested for CR-1 visa.
She went through two windows, she presented all the papers, everything was in order, and that's where the agent asks her questions she thought it was him who will pass  the interview , he asked her about her travels and she answered no, because she never traveled outside of Morocco, he behaved strangely with her,  after he asked her to log in once she got home to answer questions, he did not specify that it was form ds 5535. Once finished, she sit down and wait for her turn for the interview.
Then in the interview, the consular officer asked her questions about our marriage ... everything went well, she reassured her  and gave her a sheet of paper saying, "Your visa application has been refused under section 221 (g) ... ds 5535". ??? They do not keep her passport.
I do not understand why our request was refused, when she  have never traveled outside of Morocco. While this is CR-1 visa and our marriage is solid.
We are  shocked. It is hard to be able to endure this without a logical reason or explanation.
However, once she got home, she  filled out the form and she sent it back on 19/10/2017 at midnight.
She have not received any confirmation about the reception of her mail.
And we re  still waiting for a logical explanation for all this. What should we do ???

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officer consulaire

221(g) veux simplement dire qu il manque un document. C est le DS 5535 demande. Soyez patient et suivez les instructions a la lettre.

mohamed oussafi

Merci pour votre réponse. Vous ne savez pas combien de temps cela prendra ?

officer consulaire

cela peut prendre plusieurs semaines. Prenez patience.

mohamed oussafi

Elle vient de me dire qu'elle n'a pas ajouté deux travaux dans le formulaire ds 5535 , elle a cru qu'elle doit écrire juste les travaux avec certificat de travail mais elle les a mentionné dans I 130 !! Que devons nous faire ? Est ce que ca va causer un problème ?????

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