
Willing to work in Australia & Canada !

We are looking for the following professionals and skilled Mechanical Engineers, Electrical Engineers, Computer Engineers, Skilled Welders, Nursing & Ect.

Interested applicant may send your CV to [email protected].

Note: Applicant must be in Arabian Gulf countries.


All, beware of posting your CVs/resumes to people and organisations that you have not heard of or dealt with before. Even reputable organisations have had their databases hacked and confirmed leaks of personal information.

Your CV/resume often has personal information and should not be quickly disclosed to people you do not trust. Your personal information may be used for fraud. Beware of disclosing address, telephone number, date of birth and other information that can be used to steal or mimic your identity.

On another note, this should have been posted in the classifieds section....

way to go symboliser!

i cannot count the number of "offers" i have received from several reputed companies, only to find out in the end that it is a scam, PG, Motorolla, Qatar Airways, BP, the list is endless.

good job with teh not sharing CVs coz they contain private data, for example, lots of people set their passwords as their birthdays or telephone numbers, which you include in your CV. or worse, their birth year as their PIN number.

so, when dealing with online recruitment, always always always be cautious. and always google the name of the person who sent the email, google an entire paragraph from the recruitment letter they sent, and check for the word "hoax".

stay safe people

Hehe you are right Mr. Legacy it happened to me as well..

then i think its safe we all say: TGFG

Thank God For Google!

and also, common sense :P