
American University of the Middle East (AUM)

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Hello everyone!
I've been offered a job at the American University of Middle East (AUM) in Kuwait with a salary around 1200 KWD per month. Unfortunately, they only offer me medical Insurance and NOT accommodation.
Has anyone any previous experience or knowledge about AUM?
Is this salary enough to make ends meet there and perhaps save some money?
Thanks in advance!

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Job offers in KuwaitFinding work in KuwaitFinding jobs in KuwaitAbsence reportDirect hiring
Jamal Alowaid

Its one of the best universties in kuwait and a salary of 1200 is good enough to save money


I have heard mixed reviews about AUM depending on "where you are from" if you know what I mean. But many of the faculty members there are friends of mine and they are some of the coolest people I know.

1200 in Kuwait is a good salary for a small family. If you're single it's even better.


Hey Kiki_

That depends on What is Your Job Title ,  and Your field of work , I mean either Faculty or Administration .

You are Welcome


your min cost of living is 1000 you may at end save only 200 kd !


You need to live close by the University, to avoid and extra transportation expenses


I have been at AUM for Three months. I found that most of the negative points about AUM in internet is no more existing. The working environment is good and you can find great colleagues here, the working system is improving. If you are concern about doing research it is not doable here, like many other private universities in the region. If you like teaching this place is a good one.
Regarding salary, it depends on your position. Is the salary good? There are many threads in this weblog that you can refer. Good luck :)


Dear all,
I also have been offred a job in AUM at the rank of Assistant professor.
I only conducted a single introductory interview by now.
Regarding working conditions, the HR announced 40 hours load per week with a minimum of 12h for teaching. What kind of other duties they assign to Assistant professors since it seems according to this discussion that there is no research activities there ? also they offer 30 days for annual leave which is I found it low. is it a standard in Kuwait ?
And how much should I negociate regarding salary ?
They announced a range between 1800-2000 kwd all inclusive, is it correct for an Assistant professor level with 10 years teaching and research experience ?

Many thanks for advice  :)


I know people who applied from Western countries and did not get the offer.
You can send me message me if you need further information.


Dear flava78, I think the offer is good enough. Even if it is all inclusive, I am sure you can save at least half your salary even if you have extravagant spending habits. Even though I do not have any teaching experience or background, I can say that the AUM is a good organisation and you will enjoy your time here. Regarding the 30 days annual leave, it is a standard practice here in Kuwait in most fields, unless your job category falls in 'hazardous occupation' bracket. So all in all sounds okay to me.


Can anyone suggest as how to apply for administrative jobs in educational organizations (international schools/univs) I did not get any response applying in the official websites......have almost eight yrs of experience in international school admin,...will appreciate ur positive feedbacks.


Dear all,

I am looking for an assistant professor position in kuwaiti university and I want to know what is a "good offer" for a french assistant professor with 10 years of teaching, involved in many funded research projects and certified and had administrative experience.

Could you please advise me and give me a range for a good offer.




1200 is good enough.  No worries.

Whomever said your minimum expenses would be 1000 is obviously living very high on the hog.

Kuwait's not cheap, but that salary will afford you a decent apartment and a decent lifestyle.


The salary is good but you will be selling your academic integrity for this joke of a university.
You will have to go agree with the management and give pre-determined grade curves. Students don't really learn there much at all. They are there to attend and get stipends. To understand how private universities work in Kuwait, you need to understand that tuition comes not from students but from oil rich government.

So this set-up is to extract money from the government. They hire faculty who are willing for $6-10K a month to sell out, give needed grades, play along the game that  they " teach" students.
Yes, you will have to go to classes and read lectures and give exams, but forget about actually hoping to really teach. It is as facade. Have you ever been in Las Vegas? Everything there is beaming with light, fake pyramids, fake little Paris. It is all there to extract money. The same is with AUM. It is a fake university. And you will work there as a fake faculty to pretend that you teach.

If you really, really want to damage your mental health go enter that distorted world that AUM is.


Hmmm...for 10K a month I could be a dancing monkey, for a while.

I make 1/3 that and work damn hard in my teaching with a long day.


The way I see it, we are all dancing monkeys. it just depends for how much and how hard we dance. :)

That being said, desrtgal is right...and an "university" with no research whatsoever is a red flag by itself.

Fact is that working here requires one to throw some of his/hers professional expectations out of the window and adjust your work ethics a bit. With some professions it is easier to do this, but I am sure if you are an academic this will hit you hard.


As I recall an Assistant Professor's salary at AUM is 2000-2500 KWD, which includes housing and transportation allowance. For an Associate Professor, it is about 500 KWD more. Add another 500KWD for a Full Professor. So yes, a Full professor can easily get $10,000 USD a month.

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Myself teaching in Qatar and very desperately looking for job. I need money for next 4-5 years to repay my loan. I dont care about working conditions because when you come out of Europe it is different everywhere whether you go to Gulf, China, Korea or Burma. Can someone give tips to find jobs in Universities in gulf countries. I uploaded my CV on all job sites but no luck. please please please help me.


I am ready to dance :)


desrtgal wrote:

The salary is good but you will be selling your academic integrity for this joke of a university.
You will have to go agree with the management and give pre-determined grade curves. Students don't really learn there much at all. They are there to attend and get stipends. To understand how private universities work in Kuwait, you need to understand that tuition comes not from students but from oil rich government.

So this set-up is to extract money from the government. They hire faculty who are willing for $6-10K a month to sell out, give needed grades, play along the game that  they " teach" students.
Yes, you will have to go to classes and read lectures and give exams, but forget about actually hoping to really teach. It is as facade. Have you ever been in Las Vegas? Everything there is beaming with light, fake pyramids, fake little Paris. It is all there to extract money. The same is with AUM. It is a fake university. And you will work there as a fake faculty to pretend that you teach.

If you really, really want to damage your mental health go enter that distorted world that AUM is.

Whats wrong with that. If you are intelligent enough, top university will call you. Unfortunately dude, the fact is that we are not scholars even if we have PhD and people call us DOCTORS!! So it is good for you to settle for whatever you get in life. Thats why you must have accepted their job offer and made good money. Now you are happy. Let others also make some money. Compromise is required in life to take care of our families. Atleast I will have some money with me to educate my young kids. Why should I care about who pays the fees of students in the University I work for. Anyway, the whole world knows Middle East is known for money and not for career. Still you are tried to find career in Middle East!! Are you a pastor in a church BTW?


Depends on what you teach; but it might be a little difficult for you if you're not a native English speaker.


I have 15 years teaching experience and PhD holder, I have produced 4 PhD and I have 80 ISI publications, despite this, I am offered assistant professor job at Kuwait University,  I am not sure about salary , benefits,
Can any one help me regarding salary, they have counted 8 years of my service,
what will be the expected salary package at KU.

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