
Searching for a well paid job in Mauritius


Hi there,
I am thinking of moving back to Mauritius but very skeptic about it. I move to London when i was a teenager and did all my studies here in Law, I am a qualified company lawyer but currently work as a Ministerial Advisor, done for for the past 10 years. I have studied the job market in Mauritius- i really don't know much about it and it seems to me everything over there is who you know rather than experience and qualification. Can anyone give me tips how to get started and get a job at my level based meritocracy rather than just connections?? HELP :|

See also

Job offers in MauritiusWork in MauritiusSetting up a business in MauritiusWork contracts in MauritiusInternships in Mauritius

Hello Vijee

I think the first thing you should do is look around as to what kind of job you want?Consultant, advisor or anything pertaining to Law.

Also, I would advise you try to look into the private sector rather than the public one (for a start), and have a look at any job site for Mauritius and the local newspapers.

You may find a few barristers or solicitors in the Mauritian network. PM me if you need anything specific.


thanks for the very quick reply. The tips are very helpful.
To be honest i did start looking like 6 months ago. I am not interested in working as a Barrister etc. I want to get into offshore because i think i have got an array of experience which will help me. I've got an LLM in international trade law & an LPC in Company Law and Civil Litigation but I am not really fuss if it is in the legal sector or not. I have experience in managing big budgets, managing big teams to deliver projects and am a bonafide project manager as well as a communication/PR expert so really am quite open in terms of what i can get into.
However, my experience is that the companies don't even bother looking at your CVs especially if you are abroad. I registered myself on mauritian job websites and so far never had a hit on any of them. It is quite disheartening as i was planning to give Mauritius a chance by the end of April but now i have a lot of re-thinking to do.


PM me your email address, I'll send you a link to offshore companies here in MRU.

I'll ask around to see if there's anything available. Don't want to post too much on the thread. Catch you off-thread!


Hi Vijee,
As a person born in London, lived in Mauritius and having worked for corporates, investment banks (city of london) and blue chips across UK... and also NEVER been able to get any job of any recognition in Mauritius itself for over 10 years (I was relegated to selling bread in my van, clothes from the side streets etc)... I can tell you for a fact it is WHO you (or your father, mother, brother, sister, cousin, uncle, aunty) knows and not WHAT you know if you want a job (a job of significance and which reflects your qualifications, ambitions and past achievements, that is) in Mauritius.

Your surname, colour, skin tone, Dress Size, Marital Status, sex, age, religion, caste etc NEEDS to be correct. LLD,LLM or LLB?.. doesn't matter. Merit? Distinction? Magna Cum Laude? Summa Cum Laude?.. means nothing in Mauritius. Your experience in London?.. it may as well be Libya. I know people who have never worked in a bank in their WHOLE LIFE, even as a teller, and yet end up becoming the HEAD of one of the most major banks in Mauritius upon first 'application' for the job. I don't mean branch manager, I mean head of the WHOLE of Mauritius! (ps: I personally know 6 individuals like this). Welcome to the land where a lawyer can head Air Mauritius!

Public or Private sector? They both lack meritocracy (notice how the heads of these companies inevitably have their daughters, sons etc heads of subsidiary companies). IF the company is fully based abroad/offshore, with NO 'mauritian-born' as its head, THEN you'll be judged on merit.

So.. if you fulfill the 'surname/caste/sex/Age' thing, and if you're of the type who WANT to capitalise on this, you'll do EXTREMELY WELL in Mauritius and WILL end up 'head of something'. However if you're SUPER/HYPER ambitious, of professional integrity and actually want to progress on your own steam in your career field, even to the point of making a Global impact, stay in London my dear (or Manhattan) and you'll progress 20 times more.


Hi Storm trooper,

yes i know the culture and the who you know theory but i was hoping to get pass that because at the end of the day i love my island. i like the weather and the few years i lived there i did enjoy it. Also at my age quality of life is something i am looking for. I am an outdoor sport junkie, i love the ocean, sailing etc and you can only get that there. The weather in London, am not a big fan of. I gave 11 years of my life working here and because i am ambitious and very methodious in what i do, i am actually working like more than 13 hours a day and i am not getting any younger so i am prepared to get a lower pay but with good social life. No job in Mauritius will be able to compensate the salary i am on now but its not about the money, its about being able to work in a job i love and being able to have a fresh beer at the end of the day looking at the sunsetting on a beach.

Yes i may well want to move on after a couple of years but for now i want to rediscover my root.

Having said that i really appreciate your reply. Please do keep in touch and very good luck in everything you are doing :)



Actually, reading all the reasons you're giving (beer at end of day, ocean, sailing etc), I can see what you're looking for.

Basically you want to come here for ALL the reasons I came here too!

Okay, I'll look at it from your point of view... if you're 'only here for the beer', sun, sand and sea then you will love it! I love it and don't regret any 'loss of UK earnings'. In regards to working for a Mauritian Company, all what I said still stands true but, and i'm going to be blatantly politically incorrect here (but as always, honest), you strike me as being a 'lady of the world'.. knowing what you want and knowing how to get it (your words 'intelligent extroverted model'!). Let's put it this way, you won't be relegated to 'working as a machinist in a textile factory'.

Back to business, have you considered trying to find a 'virtual job'? Jobs do exist whereby you could work from Mauritius. The internet connection here is cheap, reliable and fast enough for normal work. You would be paid in Pounds (could be via paypal too!). So go to websites like , and type in 'remote working', or 'virtual' and see what you come up with. There ARE companies in UK who would employ you 'remotely' on a 'per contract basis'. The advantage is that you're in London already and can attend all interviews 'personally'. They get a chance to physically meet you, chat with you, know you a bit. They'll be even more comfortable if you worked in their office for a month or two, so that they get a feel for your style of working etc... then 'bugger-orf' to Mauritius and continue working 'remotely' for the same company, but from Pereybere! Grab a Panasonic CF-18 (waterproof and sandproof US military laptop) and an ipad/iphone from ebay on your way here, get a WIFI dongle from Emtel in Mauritius and start typing up your documents whilst 'skinny dipping'. Total freedom earning UK dosh!

If the above sounds like a joke then I can tell you I actually employed (still do) a few people this way! Works great in many cases. I get reasonably intelligent native UK/USA people, 'pay-on-the-go', works out cheaper for me in many cases and I get a much better quality of work!

Of course it's not that easy in many cases too... 'luck of the draw'.

Alternatively nothing stops you from doing both. Go 'virtual' and 'terrestrial' too. Work for an offshore mauritian firm in cybercity AND virtual for other uk firms, as a 'safety net'.

If you want modeling work, you can add that to the 'mix' too. There are a few companies here who provide models for photoshoots, grand openings, exhibitions etc.

You may find you can have your finger in 'many small pies' (as nearly all Mauritians do.. so you'll be sticking to your 'roots'!) This will give you variety, money and beer.

All the best and good luck to you too!


I only had the chance of reading your post more extensively today as i glanced at it on Blackberry over the week end as i was travelling but tell you have a wicked sense of humour and i really do like someone who can banter away while using the british sense of humour.

Really good written post, i am sitting in my office laughing my head off (a luxury break after what has been a stressful non stop delievry target day!!)

Thank you wherever you are or whatever  you are doing- skinny dipping or talking to the birds :)


Vijee wrote:

but tell you have a wicked sense of humour and i really do like someone who can banter away while using the british sense of humour.


You should see him in action live, splits you all ends up!! I was having a roar myself after reading the post and so was my friend who read it after me!! :D
We need more of The Trooper around to bring real life, humour and colour :)

Hope ya get your Work Permit soon Storm trooper ( better still if you get your passport!)


I was tempted in saying the beer, sun and sea (skinny dipping and working at the same time) would be a substitute to those UK pounds, but I guess Stormtrooper beat me to it.

He's right on both comments; you have the good, the bad and the ugly. Let's just hope you hit the Loto on this one! Hope to catch you soon here in Mauritius!

ayan bhattacharya

hi I am ayan Bhattacharya from India and want to shift to Mauritius. Currently working in Obeori Group and would like stay in hospitality sector. Would need your advise on hotel jobs, what is the career prospect and averege salary? And also how are the promotion schemes?


I don't receive many compliments so thanks!@VG

lol@Musheer... you make me sound like a 'stand-up' man! If I was looking for a job as a 'Comedian', your endorsement would have got me 'half-there' already... i could actually print your quotes on my distribution leaflets.. i'm gonna start from Grand Bay and make fun of the locals... then make my way down the west coast and, when i get to Triolet, i'll make fun of the expats, cornering both markets, making money in the process and p*ssing everyone off.

I'm not funny... 'Life' is funny and, when you recount 'real life experiences', we all end up laughing at 'life' itself. :)

It IS a DAFT world when you think about it. Nothing is ever straightforward.. you're always dodging 'n' divin'.. duckin' n 'weavin'... a propa 'Dell Boy' ya gotta be sum times... it doesn't matter if you're a market trader or an MD of a Shipping Company... inevitably you will find the 'whole world is a stage and we are but actors'... 'plak toi, manze pistasse.. guette cinema!':cool:


Sorry for the very late reply..was very unwell last week.
How are you all doing and how is it going on the Island?

Alisa- yeps it is indeed a substitute for the UK pounds:) and hopefully i shall be there soon and working:)

Musheer- well said i've never met him but i do like someone who can write well and is funny at that what better combination as an entertainer:)

Storm- i couldn't agree more with your last comment, we are actors playing in our own film and sometimes in other people's films too.

I really cant wait to meet all you guys, you sound like an easy going and sociable bunch and that's just up my street:)



Dont know if that will add to anything, but do search for foreign companies that are looking for talents. That must definitely work out. I had the chance, even after coming back after 7 years. Waiting to know someone to get a job, well, that's just a waste and very small minded.


Stormtrooper wrote:


Actually, reading all the reasons you're giving (beer at end of day, ocean, sailing etc), I can see what you're looking for.

Basically you want to come here for ALL the reasons I came here too!

Okay, I'll look at it from your point of view... if you're 'only here for the beer', sun, sand and sea then you will love it! I love it and don't regret any 'loss of UK earnings'. In regards to working for a Mauritian Company, all what I said still stands true but, and i'm going to be blatantly politically incorrect here (but as always, honest), you strike me as being a 'lady of the world'.. knowing what you want and knowing how to get it (your words 'intelligent extroverted model'!). Let's put it this way, you won't be relegated to 'working as a machinist in a textile factory'.

Back to business, have you considered trying to find a 'virtual job'? Jobs do exist whereby you could work from Mauritius. The internet connection here is cheap, reliable and fast enough for normal work. You would be paid in Pounds (could be via paypal too!). So go to websites like , and type in 'remote working', or 'virtual' and see what you come up with. There ARE companies in UK who would employ you 'remotely' on a 'per contract basis'. The advantage is that you're in London already and can attend all interviews 'personally'. They get a chance to physically meet you, chat with you, know you a bit. They'll be even more comfortable if you worked in their office for a month or two, so that they get a feel for your style of working etc... then 'bugger-orf' to Mauritius and continue working 'remotely' for the same company, but from Pereybere! Grab a Panasonic CF-18 (waterproof and sandproof US military laptop) and an ipad/iphone from ebay on your way here, get a WIFI dongle from Emtel in Mauritius and start typing up your documents whilst 'skinny dipping'. Total freedom earning UK dosh!

If the above sounds like a joke then I can tell you I actually employed (still do) a few people this way! Works great in many cases. I get reasonably intelligent native UK/USA people, 'pay-on-the-go', works out cheaper for me in many cases and I get a much better quality of work!

Of course it's not that easy in many cases too... 'luck of the draw'.

Alternatively nothing stops you from doing both. Go 'virtual' and 'terrestrial' too. Work for an offshore mauritian firm in cybercity AND virtual for other uk firms, as a 'safety net'.

If you want modeling work, you can add that to the 'mix' too. There are a few companies here who provide models for photoshoots, grand openings, exhibitions etc.

You may find you can have your finger in 'many small pies' (as nearly all Mauritians do.. so you'll be sticking to your 'roots'!) This will give you variety, money and beer.

All the best and good luck to you too!

Stormtrooper, how does finding a 'virtual' job work in terms of getting a work permit or do you have to leave the country every 3 months and then return as a tourist??