Expat news in Mauritius

Surge in construction materials prices: What implications for Mauritian real estate?
Surge in construction materials prices: What implications for Mauritian real estate?
Construction in Mauritius has always been a dynamic and rapidly expanding sector. However, in August 2024, the sector will face a new surge in the prices of construction materials, affecting both large projects and small renovations. This price increase is due to a series of global and local factors, leading to significant repercussions for expatriates and residents planning construction projects on the island.
News highlights in Mauritius this week: Construction is about to get more expensive
Cost of living
News highlights in Mauritius this week: Construction is about to get more expensive
This week in Mauritius, price surge for construction materials, growing disenchantment with democracy in, Air Mauritius flights to Rome suspended and much more.
News highlights for the week of the 15th of July: Mauritius has fastest internet in Africa
News highlights for the week of the 15th of July: Mauritius has fastest internet in Africa
This week in Mauritius,  rising shipping costs, price hikes on imported fruits, foreign investment in real estate and more…

Expat news

Food supply in Mauritius: How to cope with price volatility and shortages?
Food supply in Mauritius: How to cope with price volatility and shortages?
Food supply is a crucial issue for Mauritius, an island that imports a significant portion of its food. This week, the local egg shortage has made headlines, and the steady rise in prices over recent months continues to worry consumers. The closure of the Suez Canal highlights the island's vulnerability to global disruptions. How can Mauritians and expatriates adapt to this volatility and ensure their food security?
News highlights of the week: Cost of living is top concern for citizens
News highlights of the week: Cost of living is top concern for citizens
This past week has seen a range of significant developments across Mauritius, spanning economic updates, public health concerns, agricultural advancements, and cultural innovations. Here are the main stories.
News highlights of the week: Stormy weather and government initiatives go live
Everyday life
News highlights of the week: Stormy weather and government initiatives go live
This week, Mauritius experiences yet another anticyclone, a leadership transition in one of the country's biggest private sector groups. The government also announced the opening of online applications for public allowances, which was announced in the budget speech, and a major drug seizure.

Content from our partners

Expertise at your service for all your construction, renovation, and remodeling projects
Espace Maison
Expertise at your service for all your construction, renovation, and remodeling projects
Do you have a construction, renovation, or remodeling project in Mauritius? Whether you are an individual or a professional, transforming a living space into a place that meets your needs and dreams can be a challenge. Selecting the right materials, finding qualified craftsmen, supervising the work, and meeting deadlines are crucial steps that require proven expertise. This is where Espace Maison comes in, your trusted partner for all your real estate projects.
Insurance for expatriates in Mauritius
Chartered Brokers Ltd
Insurance for expatriates in Mauritius
Moving countries is a daring adventure with a daunting baggage of risks. The good news is that Mauritius can be a haven to develop a new life from scratch. It is a pleasant country, rich in culture and natural marvels. However, like any new country, and more so developing countries, it can come with its fair share of hurdles for new entrants.
Our practical guide to gardening in Mauritius!
Espace Maison
Our practical guide to gardening in Mauritius!
If you're contemplating diving into gardening or already reveling in your green haven, consider yourself fortunate to experience a delightful climate year-round in Mauritius. To ensure that your gardening endeavors align with your dedication and aspirations, it's crucial to factor in the specific climatic conditions of your locale. In honor of the grand reopening of their Tamarin store, Espace Maison, our trusted collaborator in all things home and garden, has compiled this guide with nature enthusiasts in mind. Tailored for those who wish to nurture their garden in sync with the distinctive features of their surroundings.


What's happening in Mauritius this July: Concerts, festivals, and more
What's happening in Mauritius this July: Concerts, festivals, and more
Lots of exciting events await you, expats, in July despite the cold and rainy weather. From cultural festivals to concerts and creative workshops, there's something for everyone to enjoy. Here's a roundup of the must-attend events happening across the island throughout the month.
Music Day in Mauritius: Must-attend events this 21st of June
Music Day in Mauritius: Must-attend events this 21st of June
Like many places around the globe, Mauritius will be celebrating Music Day this Friday, June 21. The island will host numerous events, and here are the top ones you shouldn't miss this year.
Halim: The perfect Mauritian winter comfort food
Halim: The perfect Mauritian winter comfort food
Winter has arrived in Mauritius, bringing with it a craving for warm, comforting meals in the evening. What better way to satisfy this than with a delicious bowl of halim?
World Environment Day: The perfect places to reconnect with nature in Mauritius
World Environment Day: The perfect places to reconnect with nature in Mauritius
With World Environment Day just around the corner, Expat.com takes you on a journey to discover the iconic eco-friendly spots on our island.
Sports, theater, conferences and more... all the events for June
Sports, theater, conferences and more... all the events for June
Trail, festivals, theater... Looking for plans this month? Explore our June agenda!
Mauritius: an idyllic paradise for retirees
Mauritius: an idyllic paradise for retirees
Often described as an exotic paradise, Mauritius continues to attract retirees from around the globe. But what makes this island so appealing for those looking for a new home? Let's explore.

Expat interviews

MAMA JAZ festival: A must for all music lovers !
MAMA JAZ festival: A must for all music lovers !
Ready for a 9th edition, MAMA JAZ has evolved from a mere idea shared among friends to a thriving month-long festival celebrating Mauritius' musical talent. In this interview with Gavin Poonoosamy, the founder of MAMA JAZ, we find out about the evolution of the festival and what makes it a must-attend event.
Women's Rights Day: Stéphanie Bouloc, pioneering entrepreneur in the field of circular economy
Women's Rights Day: Stéphanie Bouloc, pioneering entrepreneur in the field of circular economy
Stéphanie Bouloc's journey from France to the picturesque island of Mauritius six years ago is not just about seeking paradise; it's about a deep commitment to the principles of the circular economy. As we commemorate Women's Rights Day, let's delve into the story of this resilient and innovative woman.
From Spain to Mauritius: A journey of adventure and growth 
Everyday life
From Spain to Mauritius: A journey of adventure and growth 
In this interview, we speak to María Cánovas, a dynamic individual hailing from Spain whose passion for travel and new cultural experiences led her to the enchanting island of Mauritius. Armed with a background in Tourism and Economics, María's journey unfolds as she takes us through her transformative six-month marketing internship at a prestigious hotel and the subsequent decision to return for a longer stay. 

Insights from professionals

6 ways to successfully integrate into the workplace as an expat 
6 ways to successfully integrate into the workplace as an expat 
The first day at a new job is always daunting. Stress, exhaustion, loneliness and nervous excitement are all common emotions but add on top of that, culture shock, language barriers and trying to settle your family into their new life abroad, it can all get overwhelming.      
Fred Swaniker: The Ghanaian expat who reimagined university
Schools & studies
Fred Swaniker: The Ghanaian expat who reimagined university
Fred Swaniker is the man behind the African Leadership Academy in Johannesburg and ALU in Mauritius and Rwanda. Fred Swaniker speaks to Expat.com about the link between expatriation and entrepreneurship. He also talks about Africa's future leaders and the power of a diverse education, which engages, brings the students in the core of real life situations, and boosts entrepreneurial thinking.

Global edition articles

How changing food habits impacts your health as an expat
Health system
How changing food habits impacts your health as an expat
Adjusting to new food abroad involves more than just overcoming a psychological barrier or embracing an adventurous spirit. Your body may be sensitive and resistant to unfamiliar foods. How can you take care of your health while adjusting to a new culinary landscape? Here are some tips. 
Unlock the joy of biking and walking in your new life abroad
Unlock the joy of biking and walking in your new life abroad
Moving abroad often serves as the perfect moment to change your habits: expanding your social circle, improving lifestyle choices, and altering your modes of consumption and transportation. Have you been primarily dependent on cars until now? Why not take the opportunity of moving to a new city to make a radical shift towards better health and the environment by adopting walking and biking? These modes of transportation are increasingly popular in large international cities and are indeed driving their development.
Request, receive, return: the guide to voting in American elections from abroad U.S. Citizens abroad can vote in this year's elections
Center for U.S. Voters Abroad
Request, receive, return: the guide to voting in American elections from abroad U.S. Citizens abroad can vote in this year's elections
All U.S. citizens are eligible to vote absentee while living or traveling abroad and a new organization is making that process much better. Here's how.