Transportation - Expat Magazine

Unlock the joy of biking and walking in your new life abroad
Unlock the joy of biking and walking in your new life abroad
Moving abroad often serves as the perfect moment to change your habits: expanding your social circle, improving lifestyle choices, and altering your modes of consumption and transportation. Have you been primarily dependent on cars until now? Why not take the opportunity of moving to a new city to make a radical shift towards better health and the environment by adopting walking and biking? These modes of transportation are increasingly popular in large international cities and are indeed driving their development.
Eco-travel for expats: Ditching planes for trains
Eco-travel for expats: Ditching planes for trains
In a world increasingly aware of environmental impact, more travelers are choosing slower, greener travel options. Rather than racing against time, many are embracing longer train journeys over quick flights. Could the train be poised for a resurgence? This trend is especially notable in Europe, where alternatives to flying are being actively explored.
Expat driving rights: Where can you use your home country license?
Expat driving rights: Where can you use your home country license?
Getting around is a significant issue to consider when relocating abroad. A reliable public transit system is important, but you might also want to be able to drive in your new country. Will you have to retake a driving test there? Can you convert your license into a local one in your new country? It will depend on the bilateral and international agreements that your home country has with other countries. 
Book your discounted tickets with SNCF Connect from February 14 to 20
SNCF Connect
Book your discounted tickets with SNCF Connect from February 14 to 20
Are you planning to travel around Europe in the coming weeks or months? Whether you're going to Belgium, Spain, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands or even England, get the most out of discounts from SNCF Connect from February 14 to 20. Book your tickets now!
Can pets travel during the COVID-crisis?
Can pets travel during the COVID-crisis?
As many countries are gradually lifting their border restrictions, people are resuming their travel and expatriation plans. But what about those who have a four-legged furry best friend that they definitely wouldn't like to abandon? And what about expats who are stranded abroad with their pets and are desperately waiting for a repatriation flight? Regardless of your situation, your pet will have to comply with certain regulations, but overall, it is possible to travel with your pet. Here's how to.
Travelling from Portugal to Italy in times of the COVID-19
Travelling from Portugal to Italy in times of the COVID-19
Umberto is an Italian expatriate who has lived in Algarve for a few years. He returned from Portugal to Italy last week. Here is how he organized his travels and the formalities at borders.
Five cities where you won't find it hard to adapt
Five cities where you won't find it hard to adapt
Regardless of the reason why you're choosing to move abroad – whether it's for work, study or merely travelling – such a decision requires appropriate planning. Some cities stand out both in terms of opportunities and social life. Have a look at some of the best cosmopolitan cities for integration around the world.
Where you should move for a better life and career in 2019
Where you should move for a better life and career in 2019
As a year has just begun, it's high time for you to unwind your plans and get started in fulfilling each of them. Choosing the best destination has never been an easy task, whether you're seeking a better life or new career prospects abroad. gives you an insight into the best cities to live, work or start a business in according to a recent global study by the Mori Memorial Foundation.
Sustainable cities around the world
Sustainable cities around the world
Choosing your new city is a crucial step if you're looking to move abroad, whether alone or with your family. Regardless of your motivation – for work, studies or setting up your business – the society, environment and economic opportunities will have an impact on your stay. The Sustainable Cities Index 2018 by Arcadis assesses cities around the world according to the quality of life, job and business opportunities and the environment they provide to their inhabitants. Let's have a look at these sustainable cities.
The world's most competitive countries at a glance
The world's most competitive countries at a glance
Competitiveness is a crucial factor to take into account if you're looking for new career or business prospects abroad. The latest Global Competitiveness Report highlights the strengths and weaknesses of every country around the world. As expected, the USA, Singapore, Germany, Switzerland, Japan, the Netherlands, Hong Kong, the United Kingdom, Sweden and Denmark make it in the top ten. Have a look at the world's most competitive countries in 2018.
The world's most expensive cities in 2018
The world's most expensive cities in 2018
Analysing the cost of living is an excellent way of assessing the pros and cons of moving to your chosen destination. It's important to ensure that your salary will allow you to enjoy better living standards including shopping, getting around, and eating out after paying your rent. gives you an insight into eight of the world's most expensive cities according to a survey by EuroCost International.
The most internationally connected airports at a glance
The most internationally connected airports at a glance
Today, air connectivity plays a prominent role in global mobility as thousands of people transit by airports. Reasons for moving are many: work, business, adventure travel, etc., and prospective destinations are as many. If you're planning to travel soon, gives you an insight into the world's most internationally connected airports.
The best wildlife destinations around the world
The best wildlife destinations around the world
If you're passionate about adventure travel, staying in your host country can be a unique opportunity to explore its land and marine biodiversity as well as that of neighbouring countries. During your free time or in the weekend, why not take a few days to hike in the forests or mountains, take a stroll in a national park, or plan a safari? For wildlife lovers, has compiled a short list of best destinations around the world to observe fauna.
Awesome expat cities that aren't capitals
Awesome expat cities that aren't capitals
If you are a seasoned urbanite, most likely your eyes and personality are trained to find the beauty and unique characteristics in every city you live in. Of course, each place has its positive and negative aspects, but some destinations are closer to our heart. Here, we present five charming and contemporary cities around the world, which are not the capital cities.
The world's smartest cities
The world's smartest cities
The world's biggest cities are in perpetual motion to meet the needs of their growing populations and those of the global economy, taking into account immigration and other factors. Today, the largest and wealthiest cities are those who can still offer new opportunities to students, professionals, entrepreneurs and investors. To help you choose the best destination according to your project, gives you an insight into the Cities in Motion Index 2018 by the Business School of the University of Navarra.
The most attractive cities to Millennials
The most attractive cities to Millennials
Millennials demand flexibility at work, push off marriage until they have established their career and have become financially stable, and are more interested in experiences than homeownership. These digital, entrepreneurial, and well-travelled young people cherish change and are keen to take up the challenge of relocation. But where do Millennials flock to, and what are their criteria for liking a place? Nestpick, a global accommodation website, has ranked 110 cities based on professional opportunities, good quality of life, tolerance, and recreation. Here are the five most popular urban centres among Millennials for this year.
Top tips for enjoying a long-haul flight
Top tips for enjoying a long-haul flight
With the development of the commercial aviation industry, non-stop flights have become longer — no one could have imagined back in the 1950s that the journey from the UK to Australia which was made of nine layovers would become a 17-hour direct flight. As an expat, you are probably travelling more often than the average person; it's therefore important for your mental and physical well being to know how to manage discomfort during eight, ten, or seventeen hours of flying.
An insight into the international travel and tourism industry
An insight into the international travel and tourism industry
The international travel and tourism industry largely contributes to the global economy, making for 10.2% (or about USD 7,6 trillion) of the annual global GDP. In 2016, the sector accounted for one in ten jobs on the planet, creating 292 million positions — a number which corresponds with the 1.2 billion international arrivals during the same year. While we have been used to North to North travel, outbound travel from Africa, the Middle East, and Asia-Pacific is overgrowing. Here's an overview of a sector that generates high-quality employment opportunities, bridges people and cultures, and has the potential to promote the protection and restoration of our planet's ecosystem.