Work in Mauritius - Expat Magazine

Myriam Blin, Head of the Charles Telfair Centre: Championing inclusive leadership and diversity
Myriam Blin, Head of the Charles Telfair Centre: Championing inclusive leadership and diversity
Join us for an in-depth discussion with Myriam Blin, Head of the Charles Telfair Centre, a key institution in the Western Indian Ocean dedicated to addressing regional challenges and enhancing collaboration among researchers, policymakers, and business leaders. She leads training initiatives focused on gender transformation leadership to meet the growing need for inclusive leadership. In this interview, she emphasizes the vital importance of diversity and inclusion in the current professional landscape and explores the distinctive challenges encountered in Mauritius. 
Why Mauritius is becoming a start-up hub for expat entrepreneurs: Insights from Michel Cordani
Why Mauritius is becoming a start-up hub for expat entrepreneurs: Insights from Michel Cordani
If you have an innovative project, Mauritius could be a good choice to launch it. The destination has indeed become an increasingly attractive destination for expatriate entrepreneurs, offering not only a pleasant lifestyle, but also a supportive environment for start-ups to thrive. Incubators play a crucial role in fostering this favourable environment. Let's explore with Michel Cordani, Managing Director of incubator La Plage Factory, how the start-up ecosystem has evolved and why Mauritius is an appealing destination for expat entrepreneurs.
Official public holiday list for 2024
Official public holiday list for 2024
The government has officially released the list of public holidays planned for next year during the July 14 celebrations. In 2024, the majority of public holidays will fall on weekdays, with only three of them coinciding with a Saturday or Sunday. Below is a detailed presentation of each upcoming public holiday for the year 2024.
Career coach shares her views on entrepreneurship in Africa/Indian Ocean
Career coach shares her views on entrepreneurship in Africa/Indian Ocean
Sandra Leblé is an entrepreneur and the co-president of French Tech Mauritius. She has been living on the island since August 2021 and is a professional coach. She shares with us her views on the entrepreneurial ecosystem not only in Mauritius but also in the African/Indian Ocean region, which she believes is brimming with opportunities for all those who wish to enter the Tech world.
"Graines de Boss" is opening up to entrepreneurs in Mauritius
Fabrice Delon, the “Graines de Boss” CEO, talks about his project and his plans to expand to Mauritius. He encourages local companies which are less than 5 years old to apply as of December 1st, 2022.
Four-day week: A boost to international careers?
Four-day week: A boost to international careers?
Presented as one of the new flexicurity solutions, the four-day week seems to have a lot of benefits. Young workers, especially generation Z, are especially favorable to the option. While physicians and sociologists are researching the phenomenon, countries are experimenting with the new system by conducting full-scale tests. How does the four-day work week impact the lives of expatriates? Should it be part of the criteria for choosing your next destination?
Are expat freelancers eligible for social benefits?
Are expat freelancers eligible for social benefits?
Are you tempted to start a business abroad or create one in your home country with the possibility of working from anywhere in the world? With the boom of digital nomadism, more and more freelancers are taking the leap. But are they covered by their home country's social security? Are they entitled to some form of social assistance?
Remote work: What are the risks if you move abroad without informing your employer
Remote work: What are the risks if you move abroad without informing your employer
As work-from-home becomes the new normal, more expats feel tempted by the possibility of being a digital nomad who works from a Brazilian beach or a European summer house. However, some expats are doing it without the prior consent of their employers. This can create serious compliance and regulatory issues for the company, issues for which the worker can get sacked.
6 ways to successfully integrate into the workplace as an expat 
6 ways to successfully integrate into the workplace as an expat 
The first day at a new job is always daunting. Stress, exhaustion, loneliness and nervous excitement are all common emotions but add on top of that, culture shock, language barriers and trying to settle your family into their new life abroad, it can all get overwhelming.      
These countries are experiencing brain drain: Here are the consequences
These countries are experiencing brain drain: Here are the consequences
The end of the pandemic has changed many things in the international labor market. Many developed countries seek highly-qualified economic immigrants to compensate for the workforce lost due to increased mortality, border closures and the Great Resignation in the USA. On the other side, countries providing these highly-skilled immigrants are losing them through a brain drain. 
Are expats a threat to youth employment?
Are expats a threat to youth employment?
Immigrants tend to bear the brunt of economic downturns. The health and economic crises have led to fundamental questions about the expats' place in the local workforce. In 2020, some even bet on the end of global mobility as we know it. Others pointed out the positive impact a decrease in immigration would have on the employment of young locals. But are expats really a threat to the employment of young people? 
What should expats do in case of conflictual relationships at work?
What should expats do in case of conflictual relationships at work?
Let's say you have recently been hired abroad, or you have been promoted, changed department, changed supervisors... And that everything was going fine until the day tensions began to flare between you and your supervisor. Ever since then, every day brought its share of disagreements. Either that, or they would break out without warning, at the turn of a meeting, or because of some misunderstanding or misinterpretation.
How do countries benefit from selective immigration?
How do countries benefit from selective immigration?
With the end of the pandemic in sight, countries compete to attract qualified foreigners. Canada stands out as a favorite expat destination and keeps on highlighting its immigration policies. Other countries follow suit, with new visas and policies targeting foreign talent. So why are countries focusing on selective immigration, and how does it help economies?
Why hybrid workers are keener on working abroad this year
Why hybrid workers are keener on working abroad this year
The International Workplace Group (IWG) surveyed over 1000 hybrid workers about their work expectations. Nearly 60% reported that they are planning to work from anywhere around the world this year, with two-thirds saying their productivity doesn't depend on location. Since Covid, remote working and digital nomadism have soared. Hyper flexibility and workforce dispersion are becoming normalized within companies.
Is digital nomadism a threat to economies and societies?
Is digital nomadism a threat to economies and societies?
Estonia, Croatia, Germany, Costa Rica, Cap Verde, Brazil, Ecuador, Cyprus, Mexico, Portugal, United Arab Emirates, etc. The list of countries issuing digital nomad visas keeps growing. While these new workers kept a low profile some years ago, they are now revolutionizing the labor market. Covid has propelled them, and thousands of workers are now moving abroad to combine a comfortable lifestyle with their professional careers. But who benefits from this new way of working? Locals are clenching their teeth as they face what they call “an invasion.”
How to manage your career as an expat?
How to manage your career as an expat?
Canada, the United States, Australia, Switzerland, Finland, Japan, France, etc. Since last year, countries have started recruiting foreign talent again following the crisis. So if you're looking for new work opportunities abroad, here's how to build your career and grow as an expat.
News pertaining to investment in Mauritius
News pertaining to investment in Mauritius
A clear focus of the Mauritian government's post-COVID strategy is to maintain a business-friendly environment and boost foreign investment. With this in mind, new measures have been announced by Finance Minister Renganaden Padayachy in the 2022-23 Budget.  What are they? And in this post-COVID era, is Mauritius still a competitive destination?
Working abroad: What are the career prospects in 2022?
Working abroad: What are the career prospects in 2022?
The pandemic has definitely shaken the world. Still, many countries are stepping up policies for economic recovery. Employers are calling for more straightforward measures to hire foreign talent. However, the situation differs from one country to another. So what are the current labour market trends? What are the opportunities for expats around the world?