
Light Rail - Engineering Vacancies

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Hi Everyone,

I am new to the forum and this is my first post.

My husband and I are thinking of relocating to Mauritius. He is British and I have dual nationality (Mauritian and British) and therefore I am assuming that a work permit should not be an issue once we have sorted out his citizenship.

He is a Mechanical Engineer with over 15 years experience working for Transport for London on the Trams which is similar to the new Light Rail that will be coming to Mauritius.

If anyone could help with the following questions, we would be most grateful!

Who will be in charge of Recruitment?
Will they be hiring locally for Mechanical Engineers?
Any ideas on when Recruitment/training will begin?
What might the hours and shift patterns be like?
Any ideas on salary expectations?

Thank you for reading and look forward to any advice you can offer!


See also

Job offers in MauritiusWork in MauritiusInvest in MauritiusSetting up a business in MauritiusWork contracts in Mauritius


The 'Metro Express' is a government-to-government agreement between Mauritius and India with an agency from Singapore taking care of project consultancy.

The whole of the engineering and construction works will be undertaken by an Indian company therefore I don't think there will be recruitment of mechanical engineers locally or from elsewhere.
Moreover given that construction is scheduled to start in a month, the recruitment procedures must have already being completed by now.

Of course, things might change but given the nature and terms of the contract, the probability of additional recruitment is very low.


Thank you WintonH for taking the time to reply.

That's a shame, we were hoping that the light rail project would be our opportunity to move!

Back to the drawing board...


Natasha09 wrote:

Thank you WintonH for taking the time to reply.

That's a shame, we were hoping that the light rail project would be our opportunity to move!

Back to the drawing board...

From what we understand, the Indian construction company 'Larsen & Tubro' has been awarded the contract (under terms of finances that are being used to build this project).

Why don't you guys use LinkedIn and get in touch with people working on this and they may be able to guide you?

Good luck!


Thanks for the suggestion - That's a great idea!

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