
Optometrist - employment in Mauritius

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Does Mauritius accept US trained optometrists and what are the employment prospects?
thanks :)

See also

Job offers in MauritiusWork in MauritiusInvest in MauritiusSetting up a business in MauritiusWork contracts in Mauritius

Hello eyedoc,

Welcome to Expat-Blog..:)

I hope the members will respond to your questions soon.

Thank you


eyedoc wrote:

Does Mauritius accept US trained optometrists and what are the employment prospects?
thanks :)

Hi Eyedoc

Healthcare in Mauritius is divided into two segments, public and private. Your best bet would be in a private medical institution as there are some conditions attached to the recruitment foreigners like salary and competency. I'm sure of the latter you being a US-trained medical professional.
If you can prove you can bring some new practices, ideas and methods not available in Mauritius, you will find your way.

Good luck!


Thanks Kevin.  I will keep trying.


Did you get to Mauritius? Can you share your journey? I am wondering how to get there as a uk optom... Thanks

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