
salary range as secretary


Hi guys!
I'm new in Kuwait and I am searching a job. I was wondering which is the range of the salary as secretary in Kuwait?I received a job offer but I am not sure it's a good opportunity.
If someone has any idea please let me know, thanks!

See also

Job offers in KuwaitFinding work in KuwaitAbsence reportDirect hiringI want to become a teacher

Hello Jessica.

Welcome to! :)

This thread could help perhaps : Salary trends in Kuwait - What you need to know.

Thank you,


Hi jess welcome to Kuwait


Thank you guys!
I read that thread but I couldn't find exactly what I was searching for, anyway thank you!


jess - hello and welcome to :)

maybe the reason u could not find what you are looking for is because you do not know what you are looking for?

every expat that comes to this forum always asks the same question, is my salary enough? the answer is always, its never enough. you can always find a place that offers you more, but is that place currently recruiting? no. so you either make due with what you have found, try to negotiate something higher, or sit back and wait for a better offer from elsewhere.

you did not mention:
1) what your current package is
2) what you are being offered
3) your experience
4) who your prospective employer is

all of these factors affect your salary. unless you share them, there is no way to tell you what you should be making.

go on, sign up, put in your details for the salary and then check what they tell you the average salary should be in your profession.


Hello Jess..
I am an Exec. Sec. in Kuwait for about 5 yrs now.
From my perspective, I can see that secretary salaries range between 300-750 KD. It could be more according to higher skills/more languages/of course more experience..
Generally it depends on your language (bi/tri-lingual), your experience, the tasks you can handle and working under pressure.

Legacy's words were right to the point..

Thanks Legacy for all the good sharings

and welcome Jess