American with Masters in Spanish and AA in business Looking for work

My mom is an american citizen who will be moving to kuwait in 2 weeks. I am trying to get her a good job since she has alot of education and experience. She was a professor at a university in california usa, a realtor, a lender, investor, and ran a chain of stores that imported home decor. I want to make sure she gets a competative salery but i have sent her CV on line like 1,000 times and no one replies.... so i'm sure that method is pointless. can anyone help me with a connection or let me know if there is an company here in kuwait that i know will actually read her CV. she speaks enlgish spanish french and arabic....hope you guys can help me out with this..thanks :)

by the thababiya is a was supposed to be al that sucks

you can try to find job for her at private universities they need proffesors pick up her and go there I'm sure you will find good positions for her

good luck

thanks bes al mushkilla ina kilshay bil kuwait wasta, even for the interview ....i sent her CV to all universities in kuwait but no replies

Try and get her a job with an American Contracting company...

since i am new at this..can I ask you how i would do that? what companies exactly are american contactors?

i would say go to the websites and send them the CVs.the ones you already applied to through the job search websites,
AUK America University of Kuwait

enti ro7i el AUK oo 3ndej GUST oo ham el australia oo ako bel 3gela 2 universities mo ma38ola ma legti ro7i bnfsej a7san bel kuwait mako shay working with cv lazem enti bnfsej :)

bel tawfe8

sa7 kelamek...meshkoor a5oy

el3fo sister

Dear members,

As this is the anglophone forum could you please write in English?

Thanks and regards

dear armand,
what is the problem if nothing written here is offensive??

Hello al_thababiya!

Armand is just reminding you that you should use only English on this Anglophone Forum, so that each member may understand.

Harmonie. Team.