Here's a list of all the valuable contacts once settled in Belgium. helps you organize your expat daily life.
Foreigners in Belgium
Brussels Immigration Office - FPS Home Affairs
Boulevard Pacheco
1000 Brussels
Tel: 32 02 488 80 00
Website: Brussels Foreigner Office
Education in Belgium
Water services in Belgium
Electricity in Belgium
Telephone in Belgium
Connexion to the Belgian network: Proximus
Phone book: Golden Pages
European phone book: Infobel
Mail in Belgium
Banks in Belgium
Health in Belgium
Official regional websites in Belgium
Security and emergency in Belgium
European emergency number (accidents): 112
Firemen/Ambulance: 100
Police: 101
GP on duty in Antwerp: 1733 or 32 25 24 98 89
Poison Control Center: 32 (0)70 245 245
National information: 1207 (Dutch) / 1307 (French)
Tourism in Belgium
We do our best to provide accurate and up to date information. However, if you have noticed any inaccuracies in this article, please let us know in the comments section below.