Legal advice
Last year I helped Pakistani citizen to get Italian permesso di soggiorno. I paid every expense regarding that, additionally I gave him a lot of money during last 2 years. I met him 4 times in Berlin at the beginning of relationship. In period on 2 years we only communicate online. He was in relationship with me for about 2 years, till I found out last week, that all that time he lived with other woman, German citizen, and he is expecting child with her. The woman, German citizen, does not have money, so I guess that he was with me only to pay his expenses.
Last week I talk with her and he was also present. He promised that he will return my money. But he does not work and I do not trust anymore in anything. Is there any legal possibility to protect myself and force him to return money?
Is it possible to find any pro bono legal advice regarding this issue?
vciric wrote:Is it possible to find any pro bono legal advice regarding this issue?
What would your basis be? Being naive and trusting such a person was your mistake. But it is not really something anyone can do about. And when any organization offers free legal help it is likely to be to people who claim asylum - not the people they might con. And like another has posted, you might find yourself in trouble for trying to scam the system. Getting cheated yourself while committing what might be a crime is not a good basis for a lawsuit. And what would you expect to get out of someone who has nothing? And who would even have jurisdiction? Germany, Italy,... Possibly you could make a report to authorities in Germany that might then investigate the person for trying to fraudulently get residency but this would not mean you will see any money out of it. I assume you had good intentions but sorry, the world is not fair and one rarely gets their money back when falling for a con artist.
I really do think that you need to cut your loses, be grateful you were not conned out of more money and let this be a learning curve for you. I am not sure anyone would take your case on in all honesty.
Better than average chance he has a string of people sending cash.
People with criminal intend tend to be greedy.
Such a situation should also be seen as a warning to others. The whole purpose of this site is to give advice to help people with immigration issues. But one also needs to be on guard for scammers. When people start whining about their situation and asking for money or direct help then one should be very careful and scrutinize the situation. There are organizations that are much more competent in doing this than most individuals, especially when it is a person one doesn’t know personally in their own community.
And there are plenty of scammer of both sexes that play the victim and appeal to the good heartiness of others; often acting like they are interested in a relationship. And despite all of the warnings and telltale signs most are adamantly in denial that they could be getting scammed; that is always something that happens to others. And yes, it even happens to educated, worldly people who seem to suspend their sense of caution and believe what they want to believe.
My personal take is that there are plenty enough people who really need help that have been vetted through other organizations that I can spend my efforts on. I not only give advice but have donated things and time to refugees in my town. But even then I judge if the help is really needed or effective. Some people get in a mind-frame of feeling entitled and expecting everything to be given to them with no effort or appreciation.
It is true, it can happen to everybody. I felt like I do good to help, till I found out everything. And then it was too late.
There is no free legal advice in Germany - it is not allowed, as lawyer's fees are fixed by law and must be charged. There is, however, the possibility to get a "Beratungsschein", which means the authorities will pay your fee for a first consultation (which costs a fixed €230 at any lawyer) minus a €10 co-payment. You can get one at your local Amtsgericht if you are poor and cannot afford the consultation from your own pocket.
But in your case I guess legal chances are slim to non-existent: You can generally not claim back money given without the expressed intention of having it paid back. A gift remains a gift even if the giver regrets it later.
As others wrote above, you better close this chapter and look forward in life!
beppi wrote:But in your case I guess legal chances are slim to non-existent: You can generally not claim back money given without the expressed intention of having it paid back. A gift remains a gift even if the giver regrets it later.
What if that money was obtained by fraud? It seems to have been in this case.
That and what appear to be fraudulently obtained immigration documents could get the authorities interested.
Since the other girlfriend (or one of the other girlfriends) has a bun in the oven, I suspect EU human rights laws will make deporting him difficult, but he could see prison time.
Fred: The OP did not mention anything proving fraud. But of course if the guy promised a romantic relationship in return for her financial assistance, then didn't deliver that AND she can prove the whole story (by written evidence or witnesses), you might be right. However, that seems unlikely to me.
He seems to have made promises of a relationship in order to obtain a residence permit. If the promise was false, then surely the permit's validity is in question.
The authorities do not consider "promises of a relationship" when issuing residence permits - only legally married couples are eligible.
vciric wrote:Last year I helped Pakistani citizen to get Italian permesso di soggiorno.
beppi wrote:The authorities do not consider "promises of a relationship" when issuing residence permits - only legally married couples are eligible.
Curiouser and curiouser!” Cried Fred.
Is the OP a resident in Germany or Italy?
I am Serbian citizen and his name is Haseeb Abid, , Italian permesso di soggiorno . He is planing to marry in Denmark with pregnant German citizen. I have everything in whatsapp conversation. He told me that marriage with other woman is not for real, only because of papers.
He is living with other woman since 2017. I gave him over 2 years around 30000 euro. Most of them were WU transactions. For last 6000 euro I sent to him before Italy (where he was in April 2018 and I send him additional 1000), he said to me that he will use to pay marriage visa and he tricked me to send money to Pakistan by saying to me that I send money to Pakistan to his brothers. Then his brother will give that money to his boss family in Pakistan and that his boss will give him that amount in euros in Germany.
For 2 years he lied to me that he works in restaurant and lives with friends. German women confirm to me that he never worked and that all this time he lived in her house.
Yes I gave him money, but he lied every time in 2 years what is money for. He never told me till last week that he is in real relationship with other woman. I found out myself and he admitted last week.
And yes, he promised to give me money back. Last week I talked with his future wife and he was present. He said in her presence that he will give money back to me. But I think he is pathological liar and very good one and that he will not return money to me. He deceived us both for 2 years, his future wife and me.
Vciric: although it is understandable that you are bitter and want to shame that guy publicly, please do not post his personal details here. It is not allowed by forum rules and also, by EU law, you‘d need his permission for it (which you presumably won‘t get).
I agree that you won‘t get your money back. But, as Fred said, be glad you found out that he is a bastard without being pregnant first. You can earn the money again, but the poor other woman will be a single mother with no support as soon as he cannot profit from her any more in visa-terms.
You learned an expensive lesson, her life is destroyed (and that of the child probably too).
Woman, German citizen, said to me that they applied to marry in Denmark. But they were refused. She said "his file isn't easy". I know now that he was using false name in Germany in 2017. After that he has got valid Italian permesso di soggiorno for his real name. Is it possible that he has other criminal record other then using false name? Is it possible that they cannot marry even if she is pregnant?
Since they are trying to maary in Denmark, you should ask this in the Denmark forum. Readers here (Germany forum) would not know the regulations of Denmark!
Also, no point asking strangers on the Internet what is in the guy‘s criminal record. How would anyone here know???
beppi wrote:Since they are trying to maary in Denmark, you should ask this in the Denmark forum. Readers here (Germany forum) would not know the regulations of Denmark!
Also, no point asking strangers on the Internet what is in the guy‘s criminal record. How would anyone here know???
And to add to this, commiting a crime only results in a criminal record if one gets caught and convicted. I think the subject should be dropped and the poster go on with their life. They got scammed - and in a way that sounds fairly obvious - and need to put it behind them. Short of the guy having murdered someone, nobody is going to do anything about it!
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