No last name on passport for Visa application

Hi there,

I intend to apply for Marriage Visa. I saw the application form that I need to fill in my "First Name" and "Surname (Familienname)". However, I do not have any last name, and my passport only has one full name. How should I fill out the form if I only have one full name? Should I put it under First Name or Surname? Both fields are mandatory though.

I went to the online application (VIDEX) on the german embassy website and used the "Assistant" button and clicked the "Family name" and this window popped up: "Please enter the family name of the applicant in Latin script (as stated in the travel document). The following (special) characters may be entered: A..ZÄÖÜß '/ - + .blank. Numerals may not be entered."

Anyone has similar experience? Thank you.

It is very rare that someone has no family name and most systems worldwide are not prepared for it.
You can either "give yourself a family name"- as some Indonesian friends did (the local authorites in their home country obliged and issued the required documents), or ask the foreign authorities how you should proceed without one - but do expect complications then!