Inviting parents for Maternity


Is it possible to extend the family reunion visa for parents visiting for supporting maternity. Has anyone extended such. Any information regarding would be highly helpful. Thanks

A Family Reunion Visa is only for direct family members (spouse and kids) - others can only be includedin some special cases like them being incapacitated/sick and relying on your help in daily life, or on humanitarian grounds (like right now with earthquake victims from Syria and Turkey).

Your own comfort does not count as valid reason, sorry!

Beppi is correct that a family reunion visa only includes a spouse and one's minor children. But it is for long term immigration anyway. To support one for a birth, and right after, one need just get a tourist visa which can be valid for up to 90 days. This is more than enough time for end of pregnancy and the first month after birth. Expecting anything more is not really valid as Germany has good healthcare and maternity leave. Not that some additional help is bad but it doesn't justify giving one some kind of long term immigration.

Hi All, thanks for your information. I was not looking for long term though. Just extend their stay for few more months, but I guess it won't work.

@user98 A Schengen visa allows up to 89 days stay within a 6-months period. More is not possible.

It is more complicated to calculate if one comes and goes for shorter periods but the general rule is 90 days in, 90 days out. One cannot stay more than 90 days in a 180 day period. There is no "extending" beyond these limits. Some people seem to assume that one can simply renew or extend a tourist visa to stay longer. Not possible.

But say one were in Germany as a tourist and shortly before their time is up they get in a bad accident and land in a hospital. Due to their medical conditon and inability to travel they could end up overstaying. Even then they don't actually get a visa extension but can be basically forgiven without penalty for the overstay on such grounds. Overstaying just to assist someone who has had a baby is very unlikely to be seen as a legitimate reason.