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there's a seminar next week on the above,those interested (and you don't have to be an IT wiz)(that's not free ad!!) just mail me!It's been designed for people who want to boost their Net confidence, and it's great for expats who want to earn something while they wait for a job interview or if you want to be an online Business entrepreneurs.

See the website add under Classified ads-classes (other)


Check out the pre launch interview on the web site!!

See also

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Hi Alisa_ram!

Welcome to Expat-blog! :)

You should post your message in the Classified as well, under Classes (Other):

Good Luck!



Hello Sheetul

Thank you for the advice!:)

Will do that.



Hi Alisa,

Could you send me details where and where and
info of the seminar? I am living in Tamarin and
i would be very intrested.

Thank You,



Hello Netta

I've forwarded your request to the person in charge of this event,Neha Ramkhelwon.

Check your inbox and let me know if you got the mail.




I read "free" on your ad and then "The Exclusive Offer. Only Rs.15,000 per person" on your website ?



The FREE part is that you'll learn to create a website by yourself because it might cost you Rs.20,000+ if you're having a web designer create on for you, exclusive of domain name, mails etc..

You'll have a 3 months support following this seminar, where all those who attend have access to a private forum where you can view the whole seminar and ask questions about your business or need help on the topics covered and that's FREE.

We'll have Mastermind classes after the seminar for a the duration of the support and you have a one on one with the trainer where he can help you by giving you solutions to your business problems, while I will take care of the online legal parts of running business on the internet (intellectual property,privacy act etc) and that's FREE too for the 3 months support.

So, if you do the Maths and calculate how much the whole package is coming to, then Rs.15,000 is not much compared to that. We're also trying to help people who can't spend that much in one go by proposing a deal/package to them, so it's accessible to anyone who wants to join.

Let me know if you have any more questions, I'll be more than happy to answer them.


Any reference maybe ? I am curious ...

The FREE part is that you'll learn to create a website by yourself because it might cost you Rs.20,000+ if you're having a web designer create on for you, exclusive of domain name, mails etc..

As a web professional, I definitely love this part. Sounds like "no need to pay a professional when you can do it by yourself".


anyway, if I can help one day - sharing my experience with young entrepreneurs - I would do it with pleasure


When you are new to a business and you don't have the means to hire a web designer, what do you do?sit around and do nothing?

It's for people who want to have a business online and don;t have the means to hire professionals like you, they can still get the basics and do it themselves,at they least they will get the tools to do it.It's not just about the web designing but about the marketing strategies that go with it.Having a good looking website is a plus, but if you can't drive traffic to it and market your service, then it's just a waste of money.

I'm not trying to make web designers go out of business but just helping people understand the basics of internet marketing, unless of course you help your clients on that as well.

You should be happy on this kind initiative, because afterwards people will understand the value of business online, and who knows that might get you some clients too.


And yes, I'd love to have you on the seminar on the next events.I'll drop you a word for the next one, do you speak French as well?

For the reference, go to and ask them,you'll see what the quotations can be. You can't always afford that, and when you're an entrepreneur on the web, Netrepreneurs how I call this, you have an idea at night, and you want it up and running the next day, not always having to go through a web designer.

And yes, later if you want a more customsed website, you can look for one.


We've been able to get a last minute deal with the venue and we can now bring the price down to Rs.11,000.Anyone interested please contact me ASAP.The seminar is on this Saturday!


it now becomes advertisement - discussion closed


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