
Having several opportunities I don't know what to do...

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As a young French guy, I'm working in a specific field into computer science and until now, I was convinced my only chances to leave Paris was to work abroad. I was particularly interested by Switzerland for several reasons (environment, quality of life, ...) and was searching for a job since almost two years into my field of competency (jobs are really rare because really specific).

Finally I've found out a position and applied. I was given the job in Lausanne so I've naturally accepted and I'm beginning my new life into a few months.

However now I'm quitting my job - saying it is mainly because of personal interests - my French company offered me to stay working for them at distance in the south of France with a better salary. I was a little bit surprised by the offer but now I don't know what to do since both opportunities are really interesting, even if different.

France seems to be the easier and secure choice but I was always convinced I wanted to live in Switzerland until that dilemma.

I don't know what to do know and wanted some advices considering my situation (having also a baby soon, and probably will have better finances in France than in Switzerland).

Thank you for your answers.

See also

Working in LausanneFinding work in SwitzerlandSetting up a business in SwitzerlandThe Swiss labor marketApplying for a job

Did you consider the thoughts, the wishes of the mother of the baby?
What about the thoughts and the wishes of your family (parents, brothers, sisters. . . )?


Actually I'm almost a foreigner in France since I lived in French Polynesia before. In other terms my family is already far far away and this new situation won't change anything.

On the other hand my wife is also willing to leave Paris (it is a common decision) at all costs. And her family is mainly localized near Paris so in both cases she will be far from her people.

If my job was not into the equation, she would prefer stay in France for sure but since she is pregnant she won't work for the next 2 years regardless of our choice.

However as she's teacher in France it would be really more easier for her to get a job after that time but we're trying not to consider that fact since it is not before two years and many things could change until that.


Just a few thoughts and arguments to think about. You have to make the score and the decision. That’s not easy, and one can never be sure. I wish you all the luck.:):):)

1.  French company offered me to stay working for them at distance in the south of France with a better salary.
If both salaries offer a good, comfortable life (and the difference is not too big) this is not very important.
Is there a salary difference in future? i.e. is one job (and/or your career) likely to develop better?

2.   Both opportunities are really interesting, even if different.
What about the possibilities of career? What are the differences regarding long term?

3.   France seems to be the easier and secure choice.
Why? What are the points and how important are they?

4.   Probably will have better finances in France than in Switzerland.
Why? And when? Now, or in future as well?
What are the points and how important?
Is there a big difference in quality of life?

5.   She would prefer stay in France.
You don't have to stay in Lausanne for ever! In the year (or two) before your baby starts school you could move back to France and to a new Job.

6.   She's teacher in France more easier for her to get a job.
Depending on the subjects she teaches, but there are teaching jobs in Lausanne and around as well.
There are as well quite a few private schools.

7.   Concerning your career.
For your CV it's often a good point to have worked (for some time) in a foreign country.
More and different experiences,
a network of colleagues and companies,
indicating you are flexible…


Just a few thoughts and arguments to think about. You have to make the score and the decision. That’s not easy, and one can never be sure. I wish you all the luck.

I know that ;)

1.  If both salaries offer a good, comfortable life (and the difference is not too big) this is not very important.
Is there a salary difference in future? i.e. is one job (and/or your career) likely to develop better?

Actually we perfectly know what we will win/loose by choosing France whereas on the other hand we can only make approximation (on the financial part). In short term, salary will be quite equivalent (taking into account the additional cost of living in Switzerland) but it will probably better evolve in France in medium term.

2. What about the possibilities of career? What are the differences regarding long term?

From a strict professionnal point of view the job in France is far away more interesting and offers better perspectives. I'm offered to create a group subsidiary. In Switzerland I'm "only" changing for the same position as now in France without real responsibilities (management for instance).

3. Why? What are the points and how important are they?

Like said before we perfectly know the cost of the life in France. My wife would be transfered as a teacher in our new region. And we won't have to suffer many financial losses due to moving in Switzerland (rent a house is more expensive at the beginning than in France, car taxes, ...). If something goes wrong we will lose all that investment. Also and the most important, if I choose France I am not quitting my company so they know me and trust me. I don't know how the work in Switzerland will be (but it is the same question if I was quitting my job for another company in France).

4. Is there a big difference in quality of life?
At the beginning the salary would be equivalent. About the quality of life it is totally dependant of people but I love both regions for their respective advantages.

5. You don't have to stay in Lausanne for ever! In the year (or two) before your baby starts school you could move back to France and to a new Job.

We know that but the professionnal opportunity in France is nearly exceptional and I probably won't be offered such opportunity in my career anymore.

6. Depending on the subjects she teaches, but there are teaching jobs in Lausanne and around as well.
There are as well quite a few private schools.

According to our researches it seems difficult.

7. For your CV it's often a good point to have worked (for some time) in a foreign country.

I know that. That is why I'm hesitating. Well after few days thiking about it I finally understood it is completely a personal choice so I don't know if someone could help us in our dilemma ;)

To be honest I'm afraid by the idea to have done wrong estimation. Do you think with something around 145K CHF per year we could have a comfortable life leaving few kilometers from Lausanne or am I wrong ?

Thanks for your help anyway :D


Well after few days thinking about it I finally understood it is completely a personal choice so I don't know if someone could help us in our dilemma.
You considered all important points!!! You are not careless!!! You cannot blame you not be able to know the future!!! If facts don't lead to a solution, ask your heart!

To be honest I'm afraid by the idea to have done wrong estimation. Do you think with something around 145K CHF per year we could have a comfortable life leaving few kilometers from Lausanne or am I wrong?
With 145K CHF (as long as you don’t have an expensive hobby as old-timers, and don’t throw money down the drain) you shouldn’t have any financial problems.

This link: "Budget-conseil Suisse" in French might help you.

Two others: (Migros = is a supermarché) both in French:

Good luck


@Hi Tina_ch - Thank you for your contribution :)


Hello again,

Thank you Tina_ch for your time and your answers.
Sorry for the delay but I was really busy with work...

I'm still thinking about the project...

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