Accommodation in Lausanne

Lausanne landscape
Updated by Helena Delbecq on 20 August, 2018

Lausanne, located in west Switzerland on the banks of Lake Geneva, is a choice destination for expatriation. It is the capital city of the French-speaking canton of Vaud and one of the country's biggest cities. Lausanne's population amounts to more than 300,000 inhabitants, including a large number of expats who have settled there over the years. Being Switzerland's commercial, tourist and cultural centre, housing demand in Lausanne is much higher than the supply – so you are advised to start your apartment hunting well in advance.

How to find accommodation in Lausanne

Lausanne's rental market has been developing over the past few years in order to overcome the lack of supply versus demand. In fact, it has been relatively difficult to find cheap housing in the region lately. Studios, apartments and individual houses are obviously available for rent. Room sharing is also quite widespread. However, student housing and homestay, are becoming increasingly rare.

Since apartment hunting will take some time, perhaps the smartest approach would be to get a hotel room, a temporary furnished apartment or share a flat for a few months. This will allow you to be in Lausanne yourself and look for accommodation. Another idea would be to look for something outside the city but within the Vaud canton and within commuting distance from your work: the apartments will most likely be cheaper and the demand not so high.

That being said, you should start your search accommodation on the internet well before even arriving in Switzerland. You can start by browsing real estate websites and databases like Homegate and ImmoScout24. You can also check out classified ads in local newspapers, some of which are also available online. A real estate agency or a relocation agency can also help you find the most suitable accommodation according to your family situation and your budget.

Rent prices

Rental prices in Lausanne are more affordable than in other Swiss cities like Zurich. To rent a small one or two-room apartment, you should expect somewhere around 1,388 CHF (â¬1,190) in the city centre and around 1,093 CHF (â¬940) if it's located outside the city centre. For bigger apartments in the city centre you can pay around 2,650 CHF (â¬2,280) per month, or around 2,200 CHF (â¬1,890) on the outskirts of the city. Of course, even within the city centre prices will vary according to the neighbourhood and the apartment's amenities.

Districts & neighbourhoods in Lausanne

The Lausanne agglomeration is divided into several districts, namely Lausanne, Morges, Renens Lytry, Pully, Prilly, Cheseaux, Epalinges and Ecublens. Lausanne's city centre consists of the Flon district which essentially hosts private companies, banks and other institutions, as well as the subway terminal. Ouchy is a former fishing village which has been developed thanks to Lausanne's port and Olympic Museum.

Malley, located in Lausanne's extreme west, is an industrial neighbourhood. Old City, the region's oldest district, hosts a cathedral, as well as shops and accommodation. Other popular districts are Vidy, Bussigny Crissier Préverenges Romanelaud, etc.

Useful links:

Canton of Vaud Official Website
City of Lausanne Official Website
Immoscout 24
Home Gate

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