Find a job in Switzerland

Switzerland landscape
Updated by Helena Delbecq on 30 April, 2020

Switzerland's reputation for high wages is definitely one of the things that make this country so appealing to expats. So how do you go about it, starting your job search? It is true that for EU/EFTA nationals the process is simpler but, regardless of your nationality, finding a job in Switzerland's competitive market is not easy. Thankfully, there are many resources you can use.

The labour market in Switzerland

With a relatively low unemployment rate and employment opportunities in many economic sectors such as finance & insurance, pharmaceutical, micro and biotechnologies, communications, hotel and catering industries, it should be fairly easy finding a job in Switzerland ' especially for highly qualified, multilingual workers. But the federal quota in place means employees will first have to choose from the existing pool of local talent (which is considerable) and then look at job applicants from EU/EFTA states. Job applicants from third-country states come last in preference which is why, as a third-country national, it will be easier to land a position if you're highly specialised and experienced in your field.

Regardless of your nationality, however, there are many tools at your disposal to help with your job search. From relevant websites to the newspapers' job sections and from the cantonal employment agencies to temporary work or staffing agencies, your next dream job in Switzerland is bound to be waiting for you out there!

Employment services for EU/EFTA nationals

If you're an EU/EFTA national, you can easily find information about employment in Switzerland through your national employment agencies or through European employment bodies. You can visit EURES, the European Job Mobility Portal, or the Espace Emploi International website which is available in French, English and Spanish.

Advice for third-country nationals

Finding a job in Switzerland from outside the EU/EFTA is not easy. To start with, you should visit pertinent websites such as Monster or Stepstone. You should also contact the Swiss Chamber of Commerce or the Swiss Economic Mission established in your country, to find out more about employment, formalities and visas for Switzerland ' and consult job offers where appropriate. Do not hesitate to send unsolicited applications to companies from your home country established in Switzerland, but if you're responding to a job posting, always use the language of the application (for example, if the job was posted in German, don't send an application in English).

Where to look for employment in Switzerland?


As in the case in most countries, the internet is probably the best means to find employment in Switzerland. The web abounds with general or specialised websites dedicated to employment in Switzerland where you can submit your CV online, get useful tips about the labour market and the wage scales, as well as consult job listings and resumé guides.

Cantonal employment agencies

In Switzerland, there are employment agencies in each canton. Most of them offer help and support for job seekers, job preparation workshops and tips about composing your CV. Also, consider getting a free CV review at TopCV. To find the cantonal employment agency in your canton, please refer here.

Traditional press

It may sound a bit old-fashioned, but many newspapers in Switzerland still have job sections. Some newspapers even offer weekend supplements dedicated to employment, like in the paper version of the "24 Heures".

Temporary work and staffing agencies

Some major international temporary work and staffing agencies are established in Switzerland. Temp work is a practical solution to rapidly find short-term employment contracts in order to get started on the local labour market. Submit your CV online or visit agencies on site.

Useful links:

Adecco - Switzerland
Kelly services
Monster - Jobs in Switzerland
Stepstone - Switzerland
EURES - The European Job Mobility Portal
Switzerland Global Enterprise

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