Living in Switzerland as an expatriate

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Make your expat project in Switzerland successful

Quadrilingual and multicultural, Switzerland is the dream destination of thousands of expatriates worldwide. Famous for its smooth chocolate and its breathtaking natural landscapes, Switzerland is a land of opportunities.

With a stable and prosperous economy, it is one of Europe's richest countries, hosting many multinational companies. It provides attractive wages and an unparalleled quality living to expatriates.


Find your dream job and take your career to an international level. Apply to the vacancies available.


Language teacher

Morges, Canton of Vaud, Switzerland

last week

4 weeks ago

Language teacher

Grindelwald, Bern, Suiza

4 weeks ago


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4 months ago
5 months ago
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Recommended services

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Active Coaching
Pilatusstrasse 10, 8712 Stäfa, Canton of Zurich

Via Lugano 1, Bellinzona - 6500, Bellinzona, Canton Ticino

Events Management agencies

Online Factory GmbH - Onlineshop Factory
Seemerrütiweg 3

Web agency