Internet plans and connections in Switzerland

Updated by Helena Delbecq on 17 August, 2018

Switzerland is definitely well-connected. As of 2017, the country has the second highest proportion of fixed broadband connections globally – with 46.3 subscriptions per 100 inhabitants. Of course, the internet coverage is good both in the cities (although the different cantons have their own internet service providers) and in the countryside. Whether you are studying or working in Switzerland, you will definitely need an internet connection at home. Here's what you need to know before choosing a package.

Types of connection

In Switzerland, you can access the internet via dial-up, ADSL, ISDN and cable. Dial can be charged either by the minute or by a fixed monthly contract, but it often provides limited access. ISDN is widespread in Switzerland, with a connection ranging between 64 and 128 kbps and is often contract-free, but the fees are higher. ADSL, on the other hand, is the fastest and most convenient solution. You can surf the Internet at high-speed and download as much as you want for a monthly fee of about CHF 45-99 (â¬39-85). Cable connection, meanwhile, allows you to surf broadband to make phone calls and access to cable television. Some ISPs also offer Wi-Fi services. However, you are not likely to find many Wi-Fi hotspots in Switzerland, except in shopping centres, cafes, restaurants, metro stations etc.

Good to know:

If you have neither a computer nor an Internet connection, you can find internet cafes in most Swiss cities. Some shops and call centres also provide public computers with internet connection. Fees generally are around CHF 1-1,50 (â¬0,86-1,30) per hour. You can also opt for multi-hour passes, which allow users to stay connected for longer at low rates.

Internet providers & process

There are many internet providers in Switzerland to choose from depending on your needs and canton of residence. A thorough online search well in advance is recommended, as the process can take up to 20 days. Some of the most popular internet providers in Switzerland are Swisscom, Sunrise, Green, UPC and DFI, the leading provider in Geneva (scroll to the end of the article for links). Whichever you choose, perhaps the most cost-effective thing to do would be to sign up for a TV, telephone and internet package with a single provider.

Good to know:

Swiss operators also provide VoIP and LCR connection, aka using the Internet to make local and international phone calls at a lower cost.

Connecting your home to the internet

The first thing you need to do before you get started is to find out the name of the previous tenant who lived at your apartment (if you're renting). You should then contact your provider of choice, provide them with the previous tenant's name and inform them that you would like to set up a contract with them. Make sure to confirm that their services can be operational by the date you need them and that all the services advertised are actually applicable to your particular address. The contract and all appliances should be sent to an address where your own name is on the mailbox.

Good to know:

You should call them at least 14-20 days before the day you plan on using the internet at your new place. Sometimes, placing your order even sooner than that may be a good idea.

Useful links:


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