Work in Switzerland

Hello, I am searching for information about law job and how can I work as a lawyer in Switzerland. I am a Greek lawyer.

hello !
I am reading your post today and I perfectly undertand you would like to go to Swiss. I am a French woman living in Paris who would like to work there too ! The best, obviously is to contact the Embassy in your country if you haven't done it yet.
I also study Law as an independent mature student and I am in my 3rd year. I can check for you if you want here, in Paris.
I am going to bangkok Sunday for 3 weeks (to learn massages) at the old medecine school and will be back on Nov 21st.
I am planning to be staying in geneva or lausanne afterwards.
Law is different according to "cantons". In my opinion the best might be Zurich or geneva as far as the language is concerned (unless you speak German..)
anyway I am with you !
kind regards,

Law differs from canton to canton in Switzerland. Though I have no personal experience in law, I would expect that persons who have studied Swiss law(s) are generally preferred to those who haven't.
However, Switzerland is home to the main offices of many multinationals and international organisations. This may be a good place to look for jobs.

Hope this helps,

Thank you very much for your response! Constance, I speak french fluently :)Unfortunately, I don't speak German.i went to the Embassy of Switzerland here in Greece, they have given to me some internet sites to visit. 
Two friends of mine went to live to Lozane, but they are not lawyers. Me and my fiance decided to start searching for a job abroad. We prefer Switzerland and German... I Think that German has a familiar law to greek.  I can't work here in Greece because of the financial crisis.. I made a great effort to graduate law school and I would like to continue being a lawyer, I like it so much. However, I will try to live abroad and work in another position f. ex. secretary, greek teacher etc. 
Twan, i know about cantons. I don't know if it would be a solution to take a master degree in law from a university in Lozane or Geneva.

hello thanks a lot I am a French lady  you can speak french then ..
I am in Bangkok learning massages in Watpo with great teachers and it changes from Law  I like it too but as an independent mature student I don t think I can work at least in France.that s why I try to stay close to make up field 9I have been working for tv and cinema since 84 and I like to use my brain....
I would like to get out of the euro zone when i am back on Nov 21st... Yes I think Germany is great for you but I have no connections so if I meet someone I will tell you
enjoy and good luck

hello! how are you?:) have you any idea how to find an apartment to rent in Lausanne? I haven't gone there yet..but I heard it's difficult to find a house..

hey! my girlfriend is always looking in

You can search here:
But the anibis is the most popular, tons of ads..
Good luck!