Agriculture internship


I'm Rievais olivier, a young Rwandan currently residing in Gabon, serving as the manager and legal representative for an agriculture company. I am seeking a three-month internship in any fruit-related agriculture company in Singapore. If you have any information or contacts regarding such opportunities, your assistance would be greatly appreciated. It's important to note that I am capable of financing my stay during the internship. Thank you for your consideration.

Best regards,

Rievais olivier

@Olivier rwanda

Hello and welcome !

Feel free to create your CV in the Job offers in Singapore section of the website for better visibility.



You should do some research before you post such requests:

Singapore is a big city on a crowded island. There is almost no agriculture left, because of a lack of space. The little bit that survived is orchid, meat animals and aero-/hydroponics - all in decline and gradually being replaced by imports. You only have a chance there if you have good experience in high-tech automatized farming, best with a related university degree.

Also, regarding your comment that you would self-finance your stay: Singapore is one of the costliest places on earth. As a non-resident, you must stay in hotels or similar places, with costs starting at S$120/night - for three months this amounts to over S$10000 for accommodation alone, to which you must add flight, food, local transport, etc.

Do you really have that much?