Job offers in Scotland

Explore job opportunities in Scotland to boost your international career
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Everything you need to know to work in Scotland
Setting up a business in Scotland
The United Kingdom is deemed to be one of the most business-friendly countries. If you are planning to set up a business there, related formalities should be quite easy to handle (provided you comply with existing conditions). Scotland in particular, has many systems in place to help new businesses — from tax incentives, to funding, to helping with finding investors. You are just a few steps away from making your dream come true.
Finding work in Scotland
Scotland has a vibrant and developed economy which attracts many foreign professionals every year. Offering a great work-life balance, a cosmopolitan lifestyle and many opportunities in the ever-growing sectors of science, technology and innovation, this is a country that's always looking for talent. Here's what you need to know about making it in Scotland.
Internships in Scotland
Scotland has been attracting expat students in large numbers, by providing internships in companies as part of their higher studies. Thanks to the country's particularly dynamic economy, opportunities are abundant at all levels, and the demand is equally high for both students and graduates. Many internships offer some kind of remuneration, so you should be aware of relating conditions and formalities before agreeing.
Working in Edinburgh
More and more foreign professionals are looking to move to Edinburgh for work thanks to its vibrant economy and the presence of local and multinational companies. Finding a job in this city is quite easy, but here are some tips to get you started.
Edinburgh's labour market
One of the most popular destinations in Europe, Edinburgh has not only a rich cultural heritage but also a vibrant economy and a dynamic workforce. Many foreign professionals are choosing this Scottish city for boosting their career. If you also want to join in, here is what you need to know about the local job market.
The work culture in Glasgow
Glaswegians are often laid-back and friendly. This makes working in Glasgow enjoyable. However, there is still some etiquette to follow while you're in the workplace. Professionalism, punctuality and sincerity are valued when it comes to business matters.
Job candidates in Scotland
Import / Export Specialist
Danny Burrows
Permanent contract
Added on 08/08/2024
GBP 40000
Aberdeen City
Added on 27/03/2024
GBP 4000
Position of Transverse Flute Teacher
Fixed-term contract
City of Edinburgh
Added on 13/03/2024
EUR 1500
Professor of Plant Physiology, Agronomy ,
Fixed-term contract
Added on 12/03/2024
USD 10000
Systems Maintenance Technician
Permanent contract
Added on 02/11/2023
USD 20000
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