General information about Sydney

Get an overview of in Sydney with general information to discover the country

Networking do's and don'ts in Sydney

Aussies are usually very welcoming, and it can seem easy to get along with them compared to other cultures that might be more ...

Discovering Sydney

Every year, thousands of expatriates arrive in Sydney, with hearts full of hope and dreams and wanting to use their skills to ...

How to develop a social circle in Sydney

Making friends in Sydney Moving to Sydney for business, work, study or to follow your spouse? Moving to Australia has many ...

Developing your professional network in Sydney

Being successful as an expat in Sydney is not always easy. It takes time to build a professional network that you can rely on, as ...

Adjusting to the local culture in Sydney

Moving to Australia can be a daunting experience if you're not prepared enough. Culture shock is a normal part of the ...

Getting Settled: Tips for Expats in Sydney

Alright! You’re there or on the way. You may or may not be through the entire visa process yet, and you may or may not be ...