
Blue Card university degree requirements

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Vladimir M.

Hi everyone!

I'm a software developer who wants to relocate to Germany in 2023.

I'm checking what requirements one must meet to obtain a Blue Card residence permit. For one particular requirement there's some contradictory information. Some sources mention it, others - don't.

"The diploma of completed higher education must be related - directly or indirectly - to the job position".

Does anyone have experience or reliable information about obtaining a Blue Card with diploma that doesn't match the position? I do have a higher education which is recognized in Germany, but it's not related to software engineering or IT in general. I'm also experienced enough to get a job offer with a salary that matches requirements for a Blue Card.

Appreciate any help.

See also

The Working Holiday Visa for GermanyWork visas for GermanyStudent VisaBecoming an ExpatResident Visa

Check anabin database, if your college is listed there your educational qualification is recognized in Germany


@HjSj This is true but doesn't answer the question. A degree has to be recognized AND related to the job according to the rules. But there are also overlaps in different fields. There is such a shortage of people in some niches of IT that one with a somewhat related degree and enough experience directly in the field might be approved - if an employer is willing to do the extra work to recruit them. What isn't wanted is when someone studies accounting and then tries to work as a doctor, lawyer or biologist. It raises red flags as to why an employer would want them. The whole idea of letting in foreign workers s to bring needed skills, not just to giv4e some guy a chance in a job they are not trained for.

Vladimir M

@TominStuttgart so the requirement does exist.

My degree is completely unrelated to IT (International Relations). But I do have 5 years of confirmed experience working as software developer, part of which was in another EU country (which issued me a Blue Card for work if that matters).

The question is how do I know my chances of approval for Germany BC?


@TominStuttgart so the requirement does exist.
My degree is completely unrelated to IT (International Relations). But I do have 5 years of confirmed experience working as software developer, part of which was in another EU country (which issued me a Blue Card for work if that matters).

The question is how do I know my chances of approval for Germany BC?
-@Vladimir M

I think it is impossible to know. The question is how far they are willing to bend the rules. And only the offical deciding your case will know for sure. When it is not a clear and obvious judgment, then one official might decide differently than another. The other question is; "who cares"? A standard work visa is enough if the employer can get it through for approval. Some people seem to have an obsession about a clue card. One doesn't NEED a blue card. It only means a possible quicker pathway to permanent residency or eventual citizenship - if that is one's goal in the first place.

Vladimir M

One doesn't NEED a blue card. It only means a possible quicker pathway to permanent residency or eventual citizenship - if that is one's goal in the first place.

That's precisely my goal, unfortunately.

By the time I move to Germany I'll have 1.5 years of BC "mileage" in a different EU country and these 1.5 years will be taken in account as German residency, making permanent residence even closer.


One doesn't NEED a blue card. It only means a possible quicker pathway to permanent residency or eventual citizenship - if that is one's goal in the first place.

That's precisely my goal, unfortunately.
By the time I move to Germany I'll have 1.5 years of BC "mileage" in a different EU country and these 1.5 years will be taken in account as German residency, making permanent residence even closer.
-@Vladimir M

Well don't stress yourself. 5 years down the road one is at exactly the same place whether having a blue card or not. When one is looking at a long term goal then why does it have to be done as quick as possible? It's not a race, one doesn't win anything by getting there a bit faster.


Hello Dear All, I am currently living in Poland based on BlueCard. I am working in IT.

I am looking for opportunities to move to Germany.

as I know even after 18 month working based on BC in Poland in case of relocation I will need to apply for new BlueCard in Germany.

Here I have some questions, I will appriciate if you will help me to understand following:

If my diploma is for Telecommunication ( University and degree presents in Anabin databse) but I have job offer in cyber security, would I still be good fit for BC, or the position should exactly match the education?

Do I need to provide mark sheet(transcript) or only diploma is enought?

Kindly asking you to share your opinion and experience.

Thank you

Aryan Moradi


What is the results of this topic?

I have a job offer from one company in Berlin

I have a mark sheet(transcript) only and for some reason about Iran soldering I can't get my diploma.

I want know for Developer job offer

Do i need any diploma or not?


What is the results of this topic?
I have a job offer from one company in Berlin
I have a mark sheet(transcript) only and for some reason about Iran soldering I can't get my diploma.
I want know for Developer job offer
Do i need any diploma or not?
-@Aryan Moradi

What do you mean by "Iran soldering"?

You will need a recognized education and proof thereof for an employer-sponsored work permit.

Aryan Moradi

@ALKB sorry it's typing mistake.

It's about Iran's military laws.

Because I didn't go for military they didn't give me my diploma.


@ALKB sorry it's typing mistake.
It's about Iran's military laws.
Because I didn't go for military they didn't give me my diploma.
-@Aryan Moradi

Do you have that in writing?

Aryan Moradi

@ALKB I will try to get something from government to approve i finished my diploma with list of lessons

I know it's a big issues for me but some of my friends joined to Germany university with these papers


@ALKB I will try to get something from government to approve i finished my diploma with list of lessons
I know it's a big issues for me but some of my friends joined to Germany university with these papers
-@Aryan Moradi

Was it accepted as a full degree?

Like they had a Bachelor´s with a transcript sheet only and on that basis enrolled in Germany for a Master´s degree?

Or did they go for a Bachelor in Germany, possibly with some credits accepted?

A student visa is quite different from a fully fledged work permit, nevermind BlueCard.

Aryan Moradi

Thank you

I think with that papers i can get blue card

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