
Macho men! Adventures in 'Testosterona'

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I had to address some medical issues after
an energy collapse while in Peru several
years ago.  However, until lately I did not
address the fact that most men lose around
one percent of testosterone level each year,
causing the energy level and sexual capacity
to drop considerably over decades.

In April of this year, in my principal city of
Quito, I had a 'consulta' with a hormone
specialist doctor based in Guayaquil,
Ecuador.  Supposedly he was coming to
Quito once a week, where he could
potentially give me periodic injections
of 'testosterona'.

Due to certain factors, however -- including
Ecuador's national strike that lasted 18 days --
it didn't work out with Dr. Blum, and
I had to look elsewhere.

As I was planning a visit to Medellín
anyway for late June, I looked online for
a hormone therapy doctor .. and found
one in Dr. J. Pataño of the
Bella Vie clinic in Belén Nogal, Medellín.

I had my 'cita de valuación'
at the clinic two weeks ago ..
and my 'intervención con hormonas'
was scheduled for today.  The
doctor would be inserting
rice-particle-sized pellets in a
fleshy area of my midsection.

cccmedia in Medellín

See also

The healthcare system in the Dominican RepublicThe health system in MauritiusThe health system in TaiwanThe healthcare system in MalaysiaThe healthcare system in Thailand
La intervención.

The doctor and his staff had me lie down
(pants on, shirt off) on a small cot in his

A local anesthetic was applied and a relatively
small incision made on my left side just
below the top bathing-suit line.

The eight pellets of 'testosterona' from
the compound pharmacy were
surgically inserted.

The whole process lasted about
15 minutes.

Then I was cleared to stand up,
given a prescription for an antibiotic
and ibuprofen (anti-pain) and
instructed to apply ice to the
'moretón' later.  A return doctor's
visit was scheduled for
two weeks from now.

Several hours later, back at my
hotel, I have ice that was delivered
by 'el butones' to my guest room ..
and am relaxing comfortably
with no pain.

I am permitted to shower, but no
swimming in the hotel pool for
the next several days.


What is the cost of testosterone
'terapia de hormonas' these days
in Medellín, Colombia?

Read on for details.

Cuánto cuesta?

After researching the cost of testosterone therapy
in Ecuador (1,000 US  with one potential provider),
Bogotá (a potential provider with fancy prices)
and the United States (widely available) ..
I was pleased with the total price here in Medellín.
Based on the current exchange rate, it is $647 U.S.
with zero tax .. for the consult, 'la intervención'
and the follow-up appointment.

I paid half at the consult and the balance in the
moments before the pellet insertion, all paid
with my Visa card.

Dr. Patiño recommends that  this process
be repeated after each six months as the pellets
dissolve slowly into the body over about that
length of time.

How fast acting is the therapy?

Based on my research, it can take at
least several weeks for TRT
(testosterone replacement therapy)
to take full effect.

The result should be increased
energy, increased sexual drive
and a host of related benefits
that are easily Googled.

nico peligro
You sure like to give out a lot of personal information CCC

With all due tengo interes jajaja

@cccmedia I have had HRT on my "medical todo" list for a while now. Thanks for this VALUABLE information!

FDA approves oral TRT via capsule.

The USA's Food and Drug Administration
(the FDA) has just approved a twice-a-day
testosterone replacement capsule
called Kyzatrex, developed by
Marius Pharmaceuticals.  Marius is a
startup based at North Carolina's
Research Triangle.

Some of the millions of men with
low-T have had reservations about
testosterone delivery methods that
have included frequent doctor
injections or self-injections by needle ..
or minor-surgery pellet insertion.

The FDA previously approved a different
low-T pill or capsule, but it is only for
men with certain specific and
rare maladies that can cause T deficiency.

There has been widespread concern
over oral T solutions because of the
possibility that such oral medicines
could cause liver problems.

The just-approved medicine, Kyzatrex,
apparently bypasses the liver .. and
was deemed to be safe and effective
by the FDA.

News reports of the FDA approval
have so far not contained pricing
information for the new med.

An article e-published at gives
further clarification about which men may
or may not be eligible for Kyzatrex

For instance, if aging is the only reason
causing low T, Kyzatrex may not be
the indicated medicine.


@cccmedia This is good news! Thanks for sharing


@cccmedia Quick follow-up question: is Kyzatrex (or whatever the generic version is) available in Colombia? And if so, is a prescription needed there?

Chine, this med was just approved in the USA a
few days ago, so it may take a while for
Colombia to follow suit.

Eventually we can expect a prescription would be
necessary via the 'receta especial' document issued
by a specialist doctor after he determines that the
patient qualifies for it. 

cccmedia in Santander
Interesting that you went with pellets. I have tried in Ecuador an injectable over the counter testosterone called Nebido and produced by Bayer.   The instructions say repeat every 10 weeks.

@N.Barley Did it work?


Yes, but there is a decline in effectiveness, so you may need another injection sooner than 10 weeks. A box costs around $50.  You can get the syringes cheap and inject yourself in the butt without assistance of a doctor or nurse.
"You can.... inject yourself in the butt
without the assistance of a doctor or

  -- N. Barley


The advantages of pellet therapy over
this self-injection product...

1.  The pellets are on timed release so
one avoids T spiking followed by a
rapid T decline.

2.  You are under a doctor's
supervision.  To me it's shocking
that such a product is apparently
being made available without
medical supervision and may
be used by novice injectors.
This is not a knock against
Mr. Barley, whose level of knowledge
in these matters is unknown to me
and may be adequate to the

I was quite unqualified to inject myself, but watched many YouTube videos and did my research. Of course I grew up with Bayer (aspirin), so I had a certain level of trust with the company. My testosterone problem is due to my  inability to reach certain deep sleep cycles.  Unfortunately, testosterone injections make sleep more problematic for me.
nico peligro
These drugs are dangerous to your long term health. Can damage all your organs, particularally kidneys

Best to eat good natural foods, supplements and lots of exercise.

I tested testerone once and was low, but have never had any major issues in anyway.

Of course as you get older you slow down and need more care and maintenance and discipline, but the issue for me is mostly mental laziness and lack of dicipline being the biggest barrier.

@nico peligro I already eat clean, drink lots of water, and lift weights. Been doing these things for over a decade, and yet I am losing mass, getting skinnier and bonier every year. So I need to try and stabilize or reverse this upsetting trend.

"These drugs are dangerous ... Can damage your organs,
particularly kidneys."

  -- Danger Man.


Wrong, false, incorrect.

If T is taken properly, under medical supervision, none of your
allegations is correct.

There is some discussion about testosterone taken orally
being prejudicial to the kidneys.  That's why I take it via pellet
(at the hip) and the new medicine mentioned on this thread
was approved by the FDA:  it doesn't get absorbed by
the kidneys, but rather elsewhere in the endocrine system.

Get your facts straight, and if you post again, show evidence
from reliable sources that back up your point.

cccmedia in Santander
Anonymous User

@cccmedia, I am familiar with you from the Expats Echange forum.  We are heading to Ecuador to check EC out for expat living.

I have a presecription in the US for testosterone propionate, which I self administer via injection.  I am trying to figure out how I can continue the acquire the medications that I am legally allowed to recieve.  Hoping to find a pathway in South America, that won't cause me trouble at border crossings.

Any info on injectable propionate between EC, Colombia, Chile, etc would be quite helpful. 


You ca


You can do a search for

colombia testosterona inyección

and get several hits for sources of the medication. While it is legal, you must have a valid prescription.

I don't think it's as easily available in Ecuador.


Dear Anonymous,

Bella Vie clinic in Medellín just emailed me that

they're out of T. 

I don't use or recommend self-injectables and

have only had treatment via pellets.

If you're flying through Mexico City, there's

a Dr. Dickter (you can Google) and the

Anti-Aging Clinic which claims to be

the longest-established in Mexico.  I do

not have personal experience with

these providers and thus cannot offer

a personal recommendation.

According to my Internet research, it's

routine for a doctor to supply patients

with an airport letter authorizing use

of T products.

Dr. Blum, mentioned above, works out of

Guayaquil.  He supposedly was visiting

Quito weekly but did not come here during

the Paro in June so I went to the clinic

in Medellín instead (no longer

available at this time).

Good luck.  Please report back

if you meet with success.

cccmedia in Quito


I have a presecription in the US for testosterone propionate, which I self administer via injection. I am trying to figure out how I can continue the acquire the medications that I am legally allowed to recieve. Hoping to find a pathway in South America, that won't cause me trouble at border crossings.

Any info on injectable propionate between EC, Colombia, Chile, etc would be quite helpful.
-@Anonymous User

Anonymos User,

Since you have a prescription, did your doctor authorize you to self-administer your own injections, which is quite common these days?


@Anonymous UserSince you mention Chile, you might be able to get there if not Colombia., that pharmacy is in Colombia as well:

Anonymous User

Anonymous User,

Since you have a prescription, did your doctor authorize you to self-administer your own injections, which is quite common these days?

Yes, I have been on self administered injections, twice weekly, for four years, now.  I choose that due to the massive 10:1 cost difference compared to pellets.  It's really not an issue for me.  27G needles, especially the shorties, are barely noticeable.  I have done some medical training, so I follow best practices and have never had any issues other than some bruising about 1cm across.  No biggie.

Thnaks to all for the helpful feedback in this thread.  I will be bringing 6 months of meds with us, but if customs or other create problems, I would like to know how to replenish. Also, for longer term living, should we choose to remain.  My doctor is on board with my expat desires, and is supportive of this.  I get exhaustive blood tests every six months, and am in a sweet spot for my biochemistry at the moment.

While we are talking Colombia medical tourism, can anyone comment on the wisdom of getting dental implants done in Medellin vs Cuenca, EC?  Quality, cost, reputation, visas. etc?

Anonymous User

Eeek, just looking at the Medellin link.  It would be $178 USD per week!  I currently pay ~$4.60 USD a week in a six month supply. 

I guess I will be muling and portaging my own from the US.  Though, the Chilean prices are better, if i needed to get some in a pinch.


@Anonymous User

I get exhaustive blood tests every six months, and am in a sweet spot for my biochemistry at the moment.

I suppose as it relates to testosterone injections, the PSA test is the most important one for consideration?

As for cost of it in Colombia, I was surprised as well. I assume you must have health insurance covering most of the cost in the U.S.?

FWIW, besides Nebido in Ecuador mentioned earlier, I have noticed Androgel available at times on the Fybeca website which is a testosterone in gel form applied to the shoulder area typically.  I may give it a try sometime, since no prescription required. I would say a month supply if applied daily would be around $75.

As for your other questions, consider using an existing thread or create a new one if needed, since the boss wants to stay on topic.


Looking for Mr. Good-T.

I have been scouring the Internet for T

pellet treatment from Colombia

down to Peru.

The Guayaquil-based physician, Dr. Blum,

stopped coming to Quito (my home city)

before and during El Paro in June.  I called

his 'consultorio' in the Big G this week and

asked whether he has resumed his

previously-weekly visits to his Quito location.

The receptionist didn't know if he still

comes to Quito .. and the receptionist

said that he would follow up by email.

He hasn't yet done so after several days.

I emailed two clinics in Bogotá after

Bella Vie clinic there (where I had the

pellet treatment in July) informed me

they are not doing the therapy these days.

The Bogotá clinics have not responded

after three days.

Today I received a return email from in Lima, Peru, in which

I was informed they would be pleased

to have me as a patient at a cost of

"1200$" for an 8-pellet treatment.

I emailed back to get clarification on

whether the amount cited is in dollars

or soles.  I pointed out that I paid

under 500 USD in July for 8-pellet

T treatment.

cccmedia in Quito


A four week supply if injectable is $20 U.S. in the Houston area. I doubt it would be more expensive in Colombia. As a previous poster mentioned the needles can be fine. I use a larger gauge needle to extract it from the vial that I slightly warm and then switch to a smaller gauge needle for injection. It is virtually painless and I have never had any issues with bleeding or bruising. I do get my wife to do the injection as the liquid is thick and a fair amount of force is needed to inject. Over all have been happy with the results.


Anonymous User

@Lpdiver Yes, I get three month supplies of 200mg/mL Testosterone Cypionate/Propionate for $60 in the US.  This is without insurance, credit card price.  Paying cash for my HRT doctor is the big expense, running me about $1300 a year in the US.  But, I have a legal prescription, and screening against complications is worth it.Reading that Cruz Verde pharmacy website and translating COP -> USD on showed $178USD for two doses (1 week for me).  Seems like the powers that be in Colombia don't want people doing HRT for whatever reasons, not going to speculate.


Here we go: Testoviron depot. Found it on a FB expat page. < $10 for 250ml.


Testosterone propionate/testosterone enanthate, sold under the brand name Testoviron depot, is an oil-based mixture of testosterone esters for depot intramuscular injection which is marketed in Europe. Its constituents include: Testosterone propionate Testosterone enanthate Wikipedia


In Ecuador, Testoviron depot is called Primoteston Depot, apparently. Less than $10 in both countries actually.



FDA approves oral TRT via capsule.
The USA's Food and Drug Administration(the FDA) has just approved a twice-a-daytestosterone replacement capsule called Kyzatrex, developed byMarius Pharmaceuticals.

While who knows when if it will be available in "Gran Colombia" anytime soon, I wanted to point out the disqualifying factors for those who always heed medical advice:

Who should not take Kyzatrex?

Do not take Kyzatrex if you:

  • have breast cancer.
  • have or might have prostate cancer.
  • are a woman who is pregnant. Kyzatrex may harm your unborn baby.
  • are allergic to Kyzatrex or any ingredients. See the end of this page for a complete list of ingredients.
  • have low testosterone without certain medical conditions. For example, do not take Kyzatrex if you have low testosterone due to age.

Souce: drugs punto com

Feel free to share changes in periodic PSA test scores in the comments below.

Anonymous User

@N.Barley  Thanks very much for looking those up. Those prices seem a lit better.  Still, it comes out to roughly double what I am paying in the US.  But, if I run out and there's a need, it is good to know of the availability.

I just had a meeting with my doctor, and got a letter of medical justification, which I will also translate to Spanish.  Plus the presciption itself. 

I'm bringing down six months of medicine.  After that, we'll see what the options are.  Maybe DHL, maybe buy locally.



@Anonymous User You may be able to get it through Amazon.


After going through chemotherapy for 3 years i had no energy until, my doctor started me on test.I have been  using injectable testosterone in Medellin for 2 years. Once every 3-4 weeks it comes in preloaded syringes $53,000 pesos each. Its not a thick liquid (as stated by others) i have never had any issues only great results.



Hello, Do you have the brand name, dose (ml) and the name of the pharmacy where it is available in Medellin?


@N.Barley you can get it at most small farmacias the bigger chain storez will ask for a script. I dont have the name bjt will be getting another dose the end of the month and post it here. I know its 250ml the syringe comes in 2 parts ....the body with test. and the needle seperate.  Its much different than in the states, its clear liquid not brown and not thick like syrup. First time in the states it took more than a minte o mas to finidh the injection.


@N.Barley you can get it at most small farmacias the bigger chain storez will ask for a script. I dont have the name bjt will be getting another dose the end of the month and post it here. I know its 250ml the syringe comes in 2 parts ....the body with test. and the needle seperate.  Its much different than in the states, its clear liquid not brown and not thick like syrup. First time in the states it took more than a minte o mas to finidh the injection.

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