Single Permit Processing in 2022

dhirajjbhasin153 wrote:
Mr.Thi wrote:

any news from Brussels?

One of the guys who files for single permits mostly for Indian Engineers in Belgium for his Multiple Belgium Clients told me yesterday regarding the timeline of Single Permit.

When I shared my timeline with him stating that my WP was uploaded on Portal on 10 Jan 2022 and Work Authorization was approved from 4 Jan 2022 and on-wards. He told me you can possibly get it by Jan 2022 end or maybe first week of Feb 2022, you will get SP for sure.

So if everything is sorted at authorities end you can expect your SP to arrive by End of Jan 2022 Max in my opinion. Of course you will get it first since your WP was already approved in Dec 2021.

seems like you have very good contacts, thank you!

You should get the RP anyday now... All the best!

JayS54 wrote:

Hi everyone,
First of all thank you for sharing your experiences. They have really helped me so far with this process.
My current status:
Flanders region
Application- 11th October
WP - 23rd December
SP - Waiting

You should get the SP any day now, all the best!!

Guys, did anyone called recently to check what date is in process now for WP?

I received my WP today. Application date 28 Oct.

Mr.Thi wrote:
dhirajjbhasin153 wrote:
Mr.Thi wrote:

any news from Brussels?

One of the guys who files for single permits mostly for Indian Engineers in Belgium for his Multiple Belgium Clients told me yesterday regarding the timeline of Single Permit.

When I shared my timeline with him stating that my WP was uploaded on Portal on 10 Jan 2022 and Work Authorization was approved from 4 Jan 2022 and on-wards. He told me you can possibly get it by Jan 2022 end or maybe first week of Feb 2022, you will get SP for sure.

So if everything is sorted at authorities end you can expect your SP to arrive by End of Jan 2022 Max in my opinion. Of course you will get it first since your WP was already approved in Dec 2021.

seems like you have very good contacts, thank you!

Not really but it seems everyone has to wait for a very longer period and go through this Bureaucratic process which makes you wait till eternity.

hey just got my SP  :D

my timeline:
Region: Brussels
WP: 17, Dec
SP: 21, Jan

Mr.Thi wrote:

hey just got my SP  :D

my timeline:
Region: Brussels
WP: 17, Dec
SP: 21, Jan

Niiiice! congrats...!!!

Mr.Thi wrote:

hey just got my SP  :D

my timeline:
Region: Brussels
WP: 17, Dec
SP: 21, Jan


Congratulations. So, they first give WP and then SWP?

narcis 5125 wrote:

Congratulations. So, they first give WP and then SWP?


heynekeandrea wrote:

I received my WP today. Application date 28 Oct.


Hi, I have question with regard to documents for applying visa!!!

Does anyone knows that, Is there any problem if my date of birth has one month difference mismatch in passport and birth certificate, while applying dependent visa along with my husband's visa application? 
Is it really required to submit birth certificate? or marraige certificate will be sufficient enough?

My visa application will be submitted along with my husband's applicaiton since he got SWP.

Note:-apostille attestation is already done for my birth certificate.

I'm sure no one here is waiting longer than my friend, sharing my time track, region Flanders: 21 Sep 2021 (privacy email) 15 Dec 2021 Request to add new files, wp  : Approved on December 21, 2021, sp: Waiting for 4 months, still no result...!

ly666 wrote:

I'm sure no one here is waiting longer than my friend, sharing my time track, region Flanders: 21 Sep 2021 (privacy email) 15 Dec 2021 Request to add new files, wp  : Approved on December 21, 2021, sp: Waiting for 4 months, still no result...!

Hi there,
for me, similar situation...
Just called the city hall and they said it's normal to take 4 months. Once you got the work permit, then it's just matter of time to get the SP.
Fingers crossed.

pjpp wrote:
ly666 wrote:

I'm sure no one here is waiting longer than my friend, sharing my time track, region Flanders: 21 Sep 2021 (privacy email) 15 Dec 2021 Request to add new files, wp  : Approved on December 21, 2021, sp: Waiting for 4 months, still no result...!

Hi there,
for me, similar situation...
Just called the city hall and they said it's normal to take 4 months. Once you got the work permit, then it's just matter of time to get the SP.
Fingers crossed.

Good luck to like-minded friends

Hi all,

Thanks for sharing this very useful info!

My case:

Region: FLanders
Application date: 21, Oct
Work Permit: 23, Dec
Annex 46: Still waiting

Hi everyone! Anyone got any news on SPs?
Applied 29th Sept, WP 15th december, still no answer. The waiting time at the end is the worst:)))

In my country they don't ask my birth certificate in the embassy, just marriage certificate. The birth certificate is only for my daughter

MMGJ wrote:

Hi everyone! Anyone got any news on SPs?
Applied 29th Sept, WP 15th december, still no answer. The waiting time at the end is the worst:)))

not yet unfortunately.. I got my WP on 17th Dec and still waiting for SP.

MMGJ wrote:

Hi everyone! Anyone got any news on SPs?
Applied 29th Sept, WP 15th december, still no answer. The waiting time at the end is the worst:)))

Same here! I received my work permit on 15th of December and am still waiting for the single permit.

MMGJ wrote:

Hi everyone! Anyone got any news on SPs?
Applied 29th Sept, WP 15th december, still no answer. The waiting time at the end is the worst:)))

Your region is Flanders or Brussels ?

And are your aware the your company HR had directly filed your SP or via an agency ?

Did anyone get their work permit from Flanders region this week? If yes, what date did your employer submit the application?

hit123mistry wrote:

Application Date : 9 Nov'21
WP : Waiting
RP : Waiting
Region : Flanders

Can you let me know when you receive your work permit? My employer submitted my application on 9 November as well

WP - 23rd December
SP - Waiting
An update from the agency dealing with my application- there is new treatment time of 6 weeks for Single Permits. However, they are not necessarily treated in chronological order and some files are treated differently depending on certain elements so it is very unclear.

JayS54 wrote:

WP - 23rd December
SP - Waiting
An update from the agency dealing with my application- there is new treatment time of 6 weeks for Single Permits. However, they are not necessarily treated in chronological order and some files are treated differently depending on certain elements so it is very unclear.

I hope that this information is true :)
I received this email yesterday from the Immigration office:

The treatment period can take around 2 months through our services. This counts from the date of the region's.

By the way, the immigration office were saying that their treatment period is 3 weeks right before the Christmas break. … it-process

Some general info about the new rules starting from 2020 (like renewal process as mine). Maybe will be interesting for someone here :)

In most embassies, the birth certificate is requested and also for the commune registration, it can be requested.
Please ensure both dates correspond before visiting the embassy or before coming to Belgium.

maitefornaris wrote:

In my country they don't ask my birth certificate in the embassy, just marriage certificate. The birth certificate is only for my daughter


Hello All

Thanks for sharing your process. Helped very much.

My application:

Work Permit: 07.12.2021
Single Permit: 18.01.2022

bc2910 wrote:
JayS54 wrote:

WP - 23rd December
SP - Waiting
An update from the agency dealing with my application- there is new treatment time of 6 weeks for Single Permits. However, they are not necessarily treated in chronological order and some files are treated differently depending on certain elements so it is very unclear.

I hope that this information is true :)
I received this email yesterday from the Immigration office:

The treatment period can take around 2 months through our services. This counts from the date of the region's.

By the way, the immigration office were saying that their treatment period is 3 weeks right before the Christmas break.

Please share the email address of the immigration office

ly666 wrote:
bc2910 wrote:
JayS54 wrote:

WP - 23rd December
SP - Waiting
An update from the agency dealing with my application- there is new treatment time of 6 weeks for Single Permits. However, they are not necessarily treated in chronological order and some files are treated differently depending on certain elements so it is very unclear.

I hope that this information is true :)
I received this email yesterday from the Immigration office:

The treatment period can take around 2 months through our services. This counts from the date of the region's.

By the way, the immigration office were saying that their treatment period is 3 weeks right before the Christmas break.

Please share the email address of the immigration office

bc2910 wrote:
ly666 wrote:
bc2910 wrote:

I hope that this information is true :)
I received this email yesterday from the Immigration office:

The treatment period can take around 2 months through our services. This counts from the date of the region's.

By the way, the immigration office were saying that their treatment period is 3 weeks right before the Christmas break.

Please share the email address of the immigration office

That's the email address, I emailed them but I didn't get any response

ly666 wrote:
bc2910 wrote:
ly666 wrote:

Please share the email address of the immigration office

That's the email address, I emailed them but I didn't get any response

They answered me two weeks after I sent the email

Does anyone have any update on the single permit?

bc2910 wrote:

Does anyone have any update on the single permit?

Nothing from my end my employer send the email to Immigration dept last week still waiting for response however I had asked them to try and get in touch via phone call  but going by multiple threads on SP, I am not very sure regrading the same as well.

but u can still work based on workpermit approval. it should not be an issue

I just got my WP (unlimited) after 13 weeks and it says that it is valid with residence permit. So I have to wait for another 5? Weeks?! So WP has no use.

Unlimited WP?
Well, if you already live and work in Belgium, if WP received, you can continue to work. If you are not in Belgium yet, you must wait for RP. I sent an article about it here like yesterday.

Can you please advise what is unlimited WP? Is it a B or D card?
