Single Permit Processing in 2022

hi everyone, This is my timeline

1) First Application 04/04/2023

2) No-Reply email 23/06/2023

3) Work permit 22/09/23

4) Residence permit - (still waiting)

Why is the residence permit issued so late? Has anyone come out recently?

@umut ozkan It's weird to have two month gap between the date of application and the No-Reply Email

@mhmd zalzali It's not just me, other friends who applied with me also have the same problem.

@umut ozkan it is been more than 4 months since you submitted your application. Haven't you been able to get your SP with annex 47? It is so frustrating and disappointing.  I don't know what is going on.

@Zoe Run Still waiting for residence permit

Hi all,

I want to share my experience with you:

My work permit : 05 septembre 2023

Annex 46: 15 December 2023

Good luck for you all

@Crashmed Congrats !!

Almost 14 weeks for the annexe 46, it's taking too long.

Hi everyone last Updating

1) First Application 04/04/2023

2) No-Reply email 23/06/2023

3) Work permit 22/09/23

4) Residence permit 19/12/23

Good luck for waiting


depends, case to case, for universities  its two weeks

@TracyTracy so uni researchers go through a different path? About how long does it take for uni applicants from first submission to SP granted? Thanks!


in my case 2 weeks afer noreply mail

@eshtaranyal thanks! I received no-reply email today, finger crossed. Was that your first application and from outside of Belgium/EU?

Hello, happy new year ! Anyone received their SP lately ?


Happy new year

I received the SP on november the 28th

still waiting for the RP

Happy New Year 2024 everyone. This is my Timeline.

First Application: 4/09/23

No-reply email: 11/09/23

Work Permit: 11/11/23

Residence Permit: Still waiting

@rohitbhowal02 Which region?

@mhmd zalzali Brussels Capital region

@Zoe Run Still waiting for Single permit & annex 46, its too long lime.. I am anxious..

@khaled.keron There is rarely any movement of files in the first two weeks of Jan. I sincerely hope that we will get our SP within the next 2 weeks.

@khaled.keron Your case is so weird. Did you discuss it with your employer?



for me:

no reply 17/11

sp: waiting

wp: waiting

we filed on the same date,

I haven't received anything so far and I have a visa appointment which is close, what should I do if you have an idea please

Any one has any update about the Flanders region about single Permits? is the process moving forward?
