@fiona74 please note that, to obtain the 10-year Occupation Permit for your family, the USD 250 000 will be a Donation to the Mauritius COVID-19 Projects Development Fund, i.e. you will not get your money back.
Is it not better then to go for the (50% higher) amount of USD 375 000 (roughly MUR 16 000 000) to buy a property in one of the Expat housing schemes then the investment remains your own and will hopefully grow until one day maybe you decide to resell that property again ?
below is a summary of the amendments to the OP (Occupational Permit) and RP (Residential Permit) proposed in the new 2021/2022 budget.
If you do decide on any one of the options, the necessary forms and checklists of required supporting documents are all available on the website of the EDB (Economic Development Board):
https://www.edbmauritius.org/work-and-Live-in-Mauritius (use the tabs at the top of that page)
Occupation Permit:
Extension of the validity period for Professionals from 3 years to 10
Exemption from the application of an OP or work permit for Spouses
of OP holders investing or working in Mauritius.
Waiving of the maximum age limit of 24 years for dependents.
Introduction of a new category - the 10-Year Family Occupation Permit
for those contributing USD 250,000 to the COVID-19 Projects
Development Fund.
Setting up of a dedicated concierge service to investors and retirees
entering Mauritius.
Setting up of a privilege club scheme (privilege access to hotels, golf
courses, restaurants, private medical institutions, amongst others).
EDB will develop a dedicated website for marketing the different
residency schemes available for non-citizens, fitted with systems for
applying relevant residency permits.
A Smart Card will replace the current paper-based Occupation Permit.
Non– citizens holding an Occupation Permit as a Professional will be
given the flexibility to switch job without having to submit a new
application provided the minimum criteria are met.
Non-citizens holding an OP as self-employed will be allowed to
incorporate a one-man company and employ administrative staff.
The criteria for young professional Occupation Permit will be reviewed
and the list of qualifying activities will be removed.
Where an application for an Occupation Permit requires views and
recommendations of a ministry or public sector agency, the latter
shall within 5 working days submit its views or recommendations to
the EDB or else silent is consent principle will apply.
The monthly salary applicable for an Occupation for professionals in
financial services will be brought down to Rs 30,000 (limited only for
fund accounting and compliance services by a company holding a
license from the FSC, and the professional will need to have at least 3
years relevant work experience).
The requirement for OP applicants to arrive in Mauritius on a business
visa to be issued with a permit to be waived.
A non-citizen who purchases or otherwise acquires an apartment
used, or available for use, as residence, in a building of at least 2 floors
above ground floor, provided the purchase price is not less than USD
375,000 will be issued with a residence permit, including for his
dependents, and exempted from the requirement of a work or
occupation permit.
Permanent Residence Permit
Holders of a 10-Year Permanent Residence Permit will have the validity
automatically extended to cover a 20-Year period.
Holders of a Permanent Residence Permit will be able to renew their
permits and they will be given the flexibility to switch category
between investor, professional and retired.