
What is needed to move to Mauritius as a female spouse?

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Hello all!

So I am planning on moving to Mauritius in November from the UK! I'm so excited to join my husband (Mauritian born, citizen and living in Mauritius now)  :par:
I just wanted to clarify a few things before I move and my personal situation:

- Me and my husband got married last year in Mauritius in August 2018. Right after we did this we applied to get me a residence permit. I already had my ticket booked back to the UK as I needed to work etc. The residence permit took a few months to be approved and by this point I was already back in the UK so I haven't been able to collect it yet - (they say that the person who is applying has to be present to collect their permit themselves).
So now I am ready to book my one way ticket to Mauritius but I am a bit concerned with the process when I get to immigration.  Of course, I have information from my husband but it would help from someone who has experience with this already!

- What documents will I need to bring and present to the officials at immigration etc?
- Will I be allowed in to the country to collect my residency permit and stay there freely, under the conditions I have stated?
- Will the residency permit allow me to work too? I haven't applied for any jobs as I will be helping out my husband as well as working on my own business. Will this be an issue? Do I need to have this sorted before I travel to Mauritius?
Also, I know the laws allowing spouse of Mauritian citizen to work freely without visas changed a bit at the beginning of this year, but someone told me I wouldn't have to worry about this.. Any more official info on this would really help.

Any other information regarding this will be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance :)

See also

Occupation Permit in MauritiusWork permit for MauritiusBecome a permanent resident in MauritiusInternship visa in MauritiusPremium Visa in Mauritius
Sophie Tripier


Hope you got to join your husband  :)

Just checking with you how your residence permit/work permit went through? I am very confused about the situation too.





When you will be coming to Mauritius, simply bring your marriage certificate with you to present to the border agents if ever you are asked to provide it.

You just have to come on a visitor visa and once in Mauritius, you go collect your residency permit and complete the remaining formalities.
Once your spouse residency permit in hand, I don't think you will have any trouble staying in Mauritius.

Regarding work, yes, the regulations changed in March. From now on, spouses of Mauritian citizens who settled in Mauritius after the 8th of March 2019 will have to apply for a work permit before taking up any job.
Therefore, in your case, you will have to apply for a WP if ever you choose to take up employment.


Hi Sophie,

It's quite frustrating isn't it! Especially when one person says one thing and another says something else!
I'm in the process of it at the moment, should be going in November fingers crossed all being well! :)
How are you getting on, are you moving too?



WinstonH wrote:


When you will be coming to Mauritius, simply bring your marriage certificate with you to present to the border agents if ever you are asked to provide it.

You just have to come on a visitor visa and once in Mauritius, you go collect your residency permit and complete the remaining formalities.
Once your spouse residency permit in hand, I don't think you will have any trouble staying in Mauritius.

Regarding work, yes, the regulations changed in March. From now on, spouses of Mauritian citizens who settled in Mauritius after the 8th of March 2019 will have to apply for a work permit before taking up any job.
Therefore, in your case, you will have to apply for a WP if ever you choose to take up employment.

Hi Winston,
Thank you for your reply and the info!
I will defo bring my marriage certificate as well as my reference number for the residency permit. Residency permits can be picked up anytime right, like they don't expire do they? As my one came through around this time last year.
I also heard that I should book a return ticket anyway so there are definitely no issues at immigration and once I'm there I can pick up my residency and continue to live.

Regarding employment:
I saw this on the government website:

2.1 Non-citizens, married to Mauritian Nationals prior to the 8th March 2019 will continue to be exempted from the requirements of a permit as per the Employment (Non-citizens) (Restriction) Exemptions Regulation 1970. (as amended)
2.2 However, an employer who, with effect from or any time after 8 March 2019, has in his employment a non-citizen who is either spouse of a citizen of Mauritius and/or, until remarriage, a surviving spouse of a citizen of Mauritius, may, up to 15 July 2019, have the non-citizen in his employment without there being in force a permit in respect of the non- citizen.

In point 2.1 it says they will continue to be exempt if married before 8th march? But then 2.2 is quite contradicting of that. I'm very confused by this wording.
In any case, if I do need a work permit I can apply for that when I live in Mauritius can't I?

Thank you again.



Hi there,

Actually, there was a grace period of 3 or 4 months that the authorities put in place to allow non citizen spouses of Mauritian citizens to comply with the new law and get their work permits.
Not sure if it's this part that they are talking about in 2.2

Quite confusing actually and therefore I would suggest you get in contact with the local authorities once in Mauritius to inquire.

Yes, in case you do require a WP, you can apply for it once you are in Mauritius. You won't have to leave the country as you will already be in possession of your spouse resident permit.


Hi Winston,

Okay great, thank you for all your help!  :)  time to sort out my luggage!


Sophie Tripier

It is indeed super frustrating! In my case I am a citizen and my partner has dual citizenship Australia/Italy and nobody seems to know which country prevails in terms of documents. It is also so ridiculous to have to get a residency permit before applying for a work permit  :huh: and i have gotten de facto paperwork from Australia that is not recognised in Mauritius.

Sooo complicated!

But good luck to you for everything and welcome to Mauritius :D


Sophie Tripier wrote:

It is indeed super frustrating! In my case I am a citizen and my partner has dual citizenship Australia/Italy and nobody seems to know which country prevails in terms of documents. It is also so ridiculous to have to get a residency permit before applying for a work permit  :huh: and i have gotten de facto paperwork from Australia that is not recognised in Mauritius.

Sooo complicated!

But good luck to you for everything and welcome to Mauritius :D

Isn't it always the country of birth no matter where one goes or what one needs?
Don't they put his CoB on his Australian  passport?  ( I don't have that answer but going on what I have seen on CDN passports  and the inquisitive questions from DHS when a foreigner wants to enter the US of A)


Oh gosh! It is definitely all over the place, especially with the laws changing all the time, and the contradicting laws too  :unsure my brain has gone to jelly.
Thank you so much, excited to come now!
And I wish I could help you more as I know how stressful it can all be. Fingers crossed all goes well with you and your partner! You'll get to the bottom of it and it'll all be worth it!


Denitzio wrote:

Oh gosh! It is definitely all over the place, especially with the laws changing all the time, and the contradicting laws too  :unsure my brain has gone to jelly.
Thank you so much, excited to come now!

Looks like someone  in the know. since she works for a law company gave you an answer 3 months ago based on the information you did  provide : … 31#4597582


@External Yes I know! But as I said, with the law changing and different people saying different things it's hard to know exactly what you're doing. Plus, I was referring to Sophie's situation :)


You should book a return ticket, they are very strict at immigration. Their view is that you either have a permit or a return ticket otherwise you cannot enter. You should be able to get a refund from the airline when you cancel the flight.
Good luck
Carol B

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