Just for fun: Unusual cultural habits in Russia and around the world

In this Just for fun thread, we would like to highlight unconventional customs which make Russia stand out. This is a chance, at the same time, to learn about other countries' equally interesting traditions.

1. Which country considers cats to be lucky? How about Russia?
2. In which country should you not write in red ink?
3. Is there anything like a 15-minute grace period in Russia or is showing up on time or earlier a common practice?
4. In which country do people greet each other by rubbing noses?
5. What is one custom associated with Russian culture that you have found to be quite unusual?

Thanks for participating,

Well, I wouldn't say that cats have some special traditional sign of great luck. The only "cat tradition" is letting the cat into a new house before the humans move in.
There are several versions of how that tradition came to us. The most common belief is that cat is a spiritual animal, and it can feel good and bad energy, so, for example, the spot in a new house where cat decided to lie down for the first time considers to be a good spot for placing a bed, and places the cat didn't like should be avoided.
There is another version that explains this ritual:  the one who steps first into a new house is the one who grabs all negative energy and possible related troubles. So cats are far from being the sacred cows in Russia, rather the opposite, given that black cat crossing person's pass is still considered as a sign of bad luck in Russia as well as in many other countries.  :)

In russia it is usual to have clothes just for chilling at home. Usually if you come home from work you change  right away.

Just like in Britain russians love to drink tea daily.