
Hi hope someone can help me.  I read a post on this forum saying that its possible to have a foreign currency account and i was wondering if this is available in any bank or just some? Also, can funds be transfered direct from this type of acccount to an account in the UK?

I also have a question about passport renewal. I have completed the forms and have all the supporting documents but the only problem is with the payment as i do not have an international card and no-one i know here  does either.  I was told I could pay by bank mandate but when i ask in the banks they know nothing of this.

Please, if anyone has any advice for me I would so grateful as I am really desperate to go back to the UK  as soon as possible. Many thanks.


Sorry can't really help you, as I have no idea.

In fact, I heard about the foreign currency bank account, but have no idea about the conditions to get one. Did you tried to ask at a nearby bank agency about it? AND don't forget to explicitly ask about the possibility of transferring from Tunisia to abroad, there might be some restrictions.

Best of luck.

Hi Sarah,
I know that it possible for tunisian living abroad to open a bank account in foreign currency.
I guess it is possible for foreigners too.
Noramally you will get all the advantages of online payments and bank transfer.
You should go and ask for this in the nearest bank (AMEN, BIAT or others).

They will help you for sure. If you speak french it will be easier.


I am presuming that you mean here in Tunisia?  You can open a foreign exchange account at international banks such as UBCI.  All you need to do is provide your documents but you cannot deposit this must be done by international transfer direct into your Tunisian bank account.  You can withdraw in international currency the amount you have deposited but if you want to take it out of Tunisia you should have the bank provide you with documents for the immigration.

I don't know why you can't just pay for your passport in cash?  If you are in Tunisia and this is for your British passport they will accept your local card or cash. 

Hope this was helpful.

Many thanks for the advice. I will visit a couple of the major banks and hopefully resolve these problems.  All the best.

Hi sarah

I had the same problem ,I'm irish and had no bank account in tunisia,the consul wouldn't accept cash,so my family had to transfer money from home to embassy in spain,since they are responsible for processing irish passports.In order to open a foreign currency account you have  to deposite a certain amount from what Ive heard at least 5 thousand sterling.Hope this helps

You must transfer funds from your overseas account - you cannot deposit foreign currency nor tunisian dinar physically in the bank.  There is no minimum transfer but in order for you to have your carte de sejour and residency you should transfer the equivalent of tnd10,000 annually. You can however open a normal bank account in any bank and deposit dinar but not foreign currency.