
Travelling to Schengen with ricevuta for Permesso renewal

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I am an Indian passport holder and have been waiting for my renewed Permesso to be ready since the 4th of November (almost one month). I sent faxes requesting an early permit and went to the questura but they said they could not help me at all and the only thing I could do is wait.
I'm scheduled to travel to Amsterdam in three days, with a stop over in Frankfurt. I was wondering if I could use my post office receipt/ricevuta to travel, along with my passport and expired PdiS?
If I try to travel with this and am denied permission, what happens? Has anyone tried?

Any input is greatly appreciated!
Thank you,

See also

Long-term visas for ItalyResidence permits in ItalyVisa for ItalyShort-term visa for ItalyTravelling to Italy


I am an Iranian guy, and have an Italian Permesso. Currently, I live in Lausanne, Switzerland. I have applied for Switzerland Permit, but it is not issued yet. I got tickets to go back to Iran for Christmas. Is it ok to travel from Switzerland with Italian Permesso and then also come back at an Switzerland airport?


Go to where you applied for your permit and ask that  question.


We were told the receipt we got at the post office is valid for one year so make sure you have your receipt. It is always good to ask an official in your home town that works with foreighners. Presently we have been waiting since August for our renewed permit. We had planned on go out of the country for Christmas but have changed plans so did not persue further information .


go to the questura in person and talk to them.  do not rely on phone. 
dave Lester


Hey! I know this is an old post but I was curious to know if you did end up traveling to Amsterdam and how was your experience? I’m in a similar situation and would really appreciate your feedback!

Inés Mendieta

Hi. I have never done it. Sorry.

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