
CLUBs to Join

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Hey every1,

Would you please suggest some clubs in Al-Ain where i can join and spend good time?


See also

Living in Al Ain: the expat guideTravelling from Dubai to Al ainCarpooling - Carsharing from Al Ain to DubaiWant to make friends in Al ainHow to complain against landlord

Hi Ahmad, Maybe you should elaborate which type of clubs you'd like to join? Is it sports clubs?


Hey, thanks for the reply...yes a sport club, swimming gotta be there 4 sure, it is too sad already that there is no SEA in al ain...

take care :)


Well regarding swimming, maybe you could check with the hotels? Usually externals can have access to the pool against payment of a fee or a membership. This might also be the case for tennis courts?
Anyway it could be worth a try!
Good luck

PS: Google gave me the following answers by typing Sports Clubs Al Ain. Just follow the link...
Hope this helps! :)

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