NGO or Charity Organisation where French not required

Hello All!

Hoping someone can help with this.

I am looking to work in an NGO or charity organisation in Mauritius, however I do not speak French or Creole. Does anyone know of any where this is not a problem or any who would be happy to receive a volunteer without speaking these languages? I have tried a couple of them without success so far!

Thanks in advance.


Try Reef Conservation in the North, they are an NGO who are happy to recieve volunteers from non French speakers. There website is currently being revamped but they do have a Facebook page.


Edycs Epilepsy Group - Port-Louis
tel : 2131733

Hope you can try out there. Just tell azeem gave you the detail.



I work at The Ranger Foundation which is an NGO educating disabled children.  Although their first language is Creole, they understand a lot of English and we have locals to help translate.  We are in the Vacoas area.  More information

You can contact the head teacher on 7731339.
