Teaching work in casablanca

Hi, I'm a 25 year old Australian girl who has just arrived in casablanca, I'm looking for a job teaching English but generally the schools ive asked at say they are not hiring until September.  Does anyone know of any schools that run classes over summer and may have work available?  Would appreciate any advice as I can't afford to be unemployed for two more months.


Good day Claire,

I am just arrived in Casablanca for work,
Let me know if we can catch up for a drink on of these days.
My email adress is: vbutte@netcourrier.com
Cheers. See Ya.

Hi Claire,

My girlfriend is canadian and we'll be moving to Morocco in July. She's in teaching too. We had a look at language schools more than 'regular' ones for the moment. These have courses all the time and welcome interns for the summer. Hollidays are coming fast and this is the end of the term, so I guess only laguage schools would maybe hiring these days though.
Good luck to you...

Ps: We lived on the gold coast for 2 years, we could catch up late july if you want and maybe talk about good old OZ.

Dear Claire

Will you be in interested to give english courses at home i need english language for my overseas work if yes please send me an email to walid.burton@hotmail.com

Moroccan wrote:

I'm moving to Casablanca in a few weeks and I'm looking for a job as an English teacher. Any leads?

Hi, You should post it in Jobs section in Casablanca's Classifieds, not in the forum!
Good luck


I could help you but only in Rabat unfortunately.

Hi Claire,

I may be able to help but only in Rabat at this moment in time and it would be teaching corporate.

Stay in touch, maybe we could meet up sometime



Im not too sure about any teaching schools im afraid, sorry. I did hear that they dont hire until Sep though. Have you looked around Anfa area? I have seen a few American schools around this area?

I cant tell by the dates if your post is an old one or a new one. today is May 27th 2010, im very confused :)

I am Irish, moved here a couple of weeks ago. If I can help you with anything let me know. Are you here with friends?
