
Mauritian citizenship by descent


Hi All,

Wondering if someone can steer me in the right direction. My father was born in mauritius but long story short was naturilsed in South Africa so i was born while he was a South african citizen.My mother is also south african. My granparetns on his side are both mauritian and still live in mauritius - can I apply for citizenship through them? I want to go stay and help them with day to day work.

See also

Occupation Permit in MauritiusWork permit for MauritiusBecome a permanent resident in MauritiusInternship visa in MauritiusPremium Visa in Mauritius


Hello and welcome !

Does your father hold dual citizenship since he has been naturalised ?

I would suggest that you contact the Citizenship section to enquire :




@DamoM, the link that @Bhavna has provided is a great start.

There is also another thread that explains how other expats have successfully completed the task that you are embarking on.  I am not sure if the laws have changed but the process appears to work as the latest success story is quite recent (April 2024).

Good luck.



there is also the diaspora scheme opened to grand-children of Mauritians, I invite you to check about the conditions on the EDB website.


there is also the diaspora scheme opened to grand-children of Mauritians, I invite you to check about the conditions on the EDB website.


@beatrice63, is it possible to provide more information about the diaspora scheme?  This is the first time that I am hearing about that.

Can you please clarify the "grand-children" portion of the scheme?  Does this mean that if children of Mauritian citizens are not naturalized, the grand-children can be?  This is the first time that I am hearing of a "skip a generation" type of naturalization.....

Thank you in advance.



It is not a naturalization

it is a scheme to attract people in Mauritius who have some roots in Mauritius:

"For the purposes of this scheme, a member of the Mauritian Diaspora:

a. is one who is –

i. A citizen of Mauritius and who holds a valid Mauritian passport; or

ii. A child or grandchild of the citizen referred to in paragraph (i) whether

the child or grandchild holds a valid Mauritian passport or not [..]" … elines.pdf


It is not a naturalization

Thank you @beatrice63.  I read through the document. 

I don't understand how the diaspora scheme is better than a non-diaspora non-resident visa as there is no guarantee of getting permanent resident status without an employment or investment contract.

In the end, the diaspora scheme does not guarantee citizenship by descent as it follows the same path as a non-citizen who needs to earn permanent residence and then apply for citizenship.

Did I understand this correctly?


the diaspora scheme does not guarantee citizenship or permanent resident

the difference is that the diaspora scheme gives you a package of incentives including income tax exemptions (during 10 years), exemption on excise duty, customs duty, VAT and Registration Duty.


@beatrice63 thank you for the explanation.


Hallo to all of you

i have simple Question ?

Iam born and brought in Mauritius .I was the Citizen of Mauritius till 1987 then i renounce my Citizenship

Now i am retired and would like to return for good and try to get ma Mauritius Citizenship back well

could some inform the best way to get my Mauritius citizenship back.




Hello and welcome !

Contact the Citizenship Department, they will guide you :

