
Premium visa renewal

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Hi, please advise on this situation.

I was in the last section of the online application for a visa renewal and in the procees an AI chat appeared  promting me to decline or confirm an override of  a recognised surname from passport and immigrations (same first initial and surname as mine) with three extra initials before my surname.

AI (passport control) probably recognised it from family members that have been to visit .

Anyway, I  stupidly confirmed the wrong request and have submitted the application (wrong initials) which the computer generated response  acknowledge receiving with ref. number etc.  I sent them an email and tried to call but have had no feedback.

Can or should I reapply and submit a new one with correct initials, or will they acknowledge the error and rectify it themselves.

Many thanks.

See also

Occupation Permit in MauritiusWork permit for MauritiusBecome a permanent resident in MauritiusInternship visa in MauritiusPremium Visa in Mauritius


Yes its better to reapply cos if you wait,it might delay and knowingly most admin staff would cease to work in the coming days cos of Christmas and  New year and they might process it afterwards i.e as from 10th of Jan.



Hello, normally the first application should be cancelled, then another can be filed.

Try contacting them again.




Thanks for your feedback. Do you know how to cancel it on the e-licensing portal I tried but can't find how to do it. It just shows acknowledge of receipt with ref number. Should I just  reapply  and hopefully they will see which one is correct.

Kind regards

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