IT & Telecommunications job vacancies in Mauritius

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Everything you need to know to work in Mauritius
Work in Mauritius
For expatriates, finding a job in Mauritius needs not be daunting: it is possible to apply from abroad. Nevertheless, it is strongly advised to be on the island to have a better, hands-on idea of the labor market and to take advantage of a network that has proven its worth: word-of-mouth.
Invest in Mauritius
Mauritius is an ideal destination for foreign investment. Besides a stable democracy, the Rule of Law, an independent legal system, the island also offers quality air, sea, road and financial infrastructures, but also double taxation agreements signed with 46 countries and a legal and regulatory framework maintained and well-respected. In this chapter, we explore the promising sectors, the different types of investments, the administrative formalities for the investors and a lot more.
Setting up a business in Mauritius
Mauritius is a world-renowned business center, ranked 1st in sub-Saharan Africa by the World Bank. It is the most relevant destination for foreign entrepreneurs wishing to create their company in a stable and dynamic environment. One can incorporate a company online at the Corporate and Business Registration Department. The capital of the company can be foreign, but the board of directors must be at least one resident or a domestic company.  
Internships in Mauritius
Mauritius attracts many international students who are looking to do an internship abroad to gain their first professional experience. Here are the different options and conditions to be met for those who want to do an internship in Mauritius.
Labor market in Mauritius
The business climate in Mauritius is different from that in Western countries, Asia, etc. However, this small, prosperous republic has risen to become one of the most progressive economies in Africa. Its strategic location in the heart of the Indian Ocean makes it a prime destination for work and investment. So here's what you need to know if you're looking for a new career opportunity in Mauritius as an expat.
Job candidates in Mauritius
Added on 30/04/2024
MUR 15000
Software Developer
Kevin Roussety
Permanent contract
Quatre Bornes
Added on 09/03/2024
EUR 2000
PHP Developer
Ambinintsoa Kantisambatra
Permanent contract
Port Louis
Added on 12/01/2024
IT and communication
Permanent contract
Grand Port
Added on 11/12/2023
USD 1500
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