
How changing food habits impacts your health as an expat
Health system
How changing food habits impacts your health as an expat
Adjusting to new food abroad involves more than just overcoming a psychological barrier or embracing an adventurous spirit. Your body may be sensitive and resistant to unfamiliar foods. How can you take care of your health while adjusting to a new culinary landscape? Here are some tips. 
Unlock the joy of biking and walking in your new life abroad
Unlock the joy of biking and walking in your new life abroad
Moving abroad often serves as the perfect moment to change your habits: expanding your social circle, improving lifestyle choices, and altering your modes of consumption and transportation. Have you been primarily dependent on cars until now? Why not take the opportunity of moving to a new city to make a radical shift towards better health and the environment by adopting walking and biking? These modes of transportation are increasingly popular in large international cities and are indeed driving their development.
How to manage your health abroad
Health system
How to manage your health abroad
One of the main concerns when moving abroad is what kind of medical follow-up one can expect. Health systems vary (private or public insurance) and offer different medical follow-up and prevention services. So, how do you navigate these to ensure you won't miss any steps, from vaccination schedules to routine exams and recommended consultations for specific age groups?
Studying overseas: How easy is it to find a student job in 2024?
Studying overseas: How easy is it to find a student job in 2024?
International students are desperately seeking ways to earn a living. Although essential for their daily survival, part-time jobs are becoming increasingly scarce. In major destinations, international students are being penalized by restrictive reforms and a job crisis. So, how can you find a student job in this context, and what types of jobs can you expect?
Finding your ideal workspace abroad as a digital nomad
Finding your ideal workspace abroad as a digital nomad
So you've decided to embark on a digital nomad adventure. You've chosen your destination and completed the formalities. You can already picture yourself as an adventurer for a day. But primarily, you're there to work. What kind of workspace should you choose? How should you choose it? Here are our top tips.
From vacation to relocation: Make your dream move a reality
From vacation to relocation: Make your dream move a reality
Have you ever loved a destination so much that you found yourself dreaming of moving there? It happens more often than one might think. You arrive in a new country. You spend a week going to the beach, discovering bold street food flavors, and meeting fun, carefree people. And then, before you know it, you are looking at real estate ads and rates for international moving companies. But should a vacation ever turn into a relocation? Let's explore. 
How are companies attracting and retaining global talent?
How are companies attracting and retaining global talent?
How can companies worldwide attract and, more importantly, retain foreign talent? How can they ensure they have the desired workforce at the right time? The competition is fierce in the international recruitment market. Companies, still adapting post-COVID, are implementing new strategies to increase their competitiveness and appeal. Developing workforce planning is part of these strategies. How does it facilitate the recruitment and transfer of employees internationally?
How to learn sign language while living abroad
Everyday life
How to learn sign language while living abroad
While planning your move to a foreign country, you may wonder about your host country's sign language. Whether you are deaf or hard of hearing, you might question how to communicate using sign language there. It's often emphasized that learning the local language is essential, and by “language,” this includes both spoken and visual languages, such as sign languages. Here's a comprehensive guide to learning them while living abroad.
Exams you need to crack if you want to study abroad
Schools & studies
Exams you need to crack if you want to study abroad
Studying abroad is a bold move. You will be putting yourself in an entirely new environment while trying to handle the pressures of higher education. But it's also a bold move that tends to pay off. Studying abroad can open doors to new professional opportunities, enrich you culturally and socially, and even help you learn a new language.
Eco-travel for expats: Ditching planes for trains
Eco-travel for expats: Ditching planes for trains
In a world increasingly aware of environmental impact, more travelers are choosing slower, greener travel options. Rather than racing against time, many are embracing longer train journeys over quick flights. Could the train be poised for a resurgence? This trend is especially notable in Europe, where alternatives to flying are being actively explored.
Visa rejection: Common mistakes to avoid
Visa rejection: Common mistakes to avoid
Visa applications can be time-consuming, costly and stressful. To prevent complications and additional stress, ensure you are not stumbling into common pitfalls that could lead to your visa being rejected. Reapplying is a hassle, will delay your plans, and even give you a bad immigration track record, so it's crucial to get it right the first time. Here are some tips.
New country, new job: How to adapt to a different work pace
New country, new job: How to adapt to a different work pace
Flexible or non-flexible work, remote or in-person, after-work gatherings or solo meals... The corporate world is unique. That being said, expatriates need time to integrate into the business culture of the foreign country and establish their work rhythm.
Retiring abroad: Is it a lifelong decision?
Retiring abroad: Is it a lifelong decision?
Retiring overseas is increasingly appealing, but it also raises many concerns. Administrative issues such as receiving a pension, health insurance, or a residence permit can make retirement abroad seem daunting. Is it a lifelong commitment?
How to handle financial problems abroad
Banks and finance
How to handle financial problems abroad
Living abroad isn't always smooth sailing. Job loss, health problems, and unexpected life events can strike at any time. When tough times hit, where can you turn for help? How can you get through these challenges?
How to manage visas and inheritance issues after the death of an expatriate
How to manage visas and inheritance issues after the death of an expatriate
The loss of a loved one brings emotional pain, compounded by legal and administrative complications. When an expatriate with a primary visa passes away, their dependents often face significant legal uncertainties. What happens to their visa status? What are their options for remaining in the host country?
What the Left's win means for immigration in France
What the Left's win means for immigration in France
Surprising results in the European elections. Unexpected statement from President Macron. A swift campaign amidst summer holiday plans and the Olympics. Another surprise was the Left's victory in the anticipated legislative elections. The past few weeks in France have been full of twists and uncertainties. Will the outlook finally become clearer? As the first speeches and negotiations unfold, let's review the elections and the reactions from expatriates. What will the new face of French immigration policy look like?
International careers: How recruiters assess your skills
International careers: How recruiters assess your skills
Using personality and skills tests during the recruitment process is now a common practice. Gone are the days when only a resume and a loosely structured interview were enough. Today, several tests are available and utilized by nearly 72% of hiring companies, according to a recent study by People Management. 
Rising costs for expats: How are companies adapting?
Cost of living
Rising costs for expats: How are companies adapting?
The rising cost of living in the world's biggest cities is forcing companies to think twice before sending employees abroad. This financial strain demands careful budget management. How are employers approaching international mobility in an economic crisis?

Other Types

Request, receive, return: the guide to voting in American elections from abroad U.S. Citizens abroad can vote in this year's elections
Center for U.S. Voters Abroad
Request, receive, return: the guide to voting in American elections from abroad U.S. Citizens abroad can vote in this year's elections
All U.S. citizens are eligible to vote absentee while living or traveling abroad and a new organization is making that process much better. Here's how.
Global housing crisis: How countries are protecting their residents
Global housing crisis: How countries are protecting their residents
The current housing crisis is exacerbated by inflation, which, despite easing in sectors like food and energy, keeps driving up rental prices. Foreign investors are cautious or capitalizing on market attractiveness to execute their financial ventures. However, as locals and expatriates with modest incomes face an increasing cost of living burdened by continuous hikes in housing prices, governments are taking steps to regulate the market.
Opening a bank account in Luxembourg
BGL BNP Paribas
Opening a bank account in Luxembourg
Opening a bank account in Luxembourg is one of the first things on your to-do list during your move, essential for managing your salary, expenses, and administrative tasks. Our business partner, BGL BNP Paribas, has written this practical guide to easily opening a bank account in Luxembourg, either in-branch or online, even before you arrive.
University crisis: How visa policies affect international students
Schools & studies
University crisis: How visa policies affect international students
Will students soon have to give up on studying abroad? In their efforts to control immigration, popular countries are implementing measures that are challenging students' plans to move overseas. How do visa restrictions and increased fees impact universities and education? How can students consider studying abroad in this context?
Easier entry and high quality of life: Why expats choose Luxembourg
Easier entry and high quality of life: Why expats choose Luxembourg
Luxembourg is a highly cosmopolitan country, with nearly 47.3% of its population being foreign nationals, representing about 170 different nationalities (government data). Despite its small size of only 2,586 km², the country offers ample opportunities for those seeking professional growth and an excellent quality of life. The Luxembourg Parliament has recently passed a law making it easier for third-country nationals to enter and stay in Luxembourg for highly qualified jobs. So why should you consider moving to Luxembourg?
How to get your documents translated for official purposes as an expat
How to get your documents translated for official purposes as an expat
Moving to a new country is exciting, but it also comes with lots of challenges, especially when it comes to paperwork. As an expatriate, among loads of paperwork you need to fulfill, you will likely need certified translations of various documents. This process can be different depending on the country you are in and the country you and/or your family are moving to. In this article, our partner, Translayte,  explores how certified translations are done in the United States, Germany, Australia, France, Canada, Austria, Spain, and Turkey. They also talk about why you cannot compromise on who does your translations, getting them done by professionals and how Translayte can help you.