If change company/job when PR application still pending

if change company/job when PR application still pending, need to update the PR application?

asking as an S pass holder. or if dont need to update, do u think it still have some effect in
the outcome?

PR applications are processed by ICA, work passes by MoM. They do not automatically exchange all data, so it is better to update ICA of any work pass change.

Hi I would like to ask what about the Student pass?

@beppi If change job .My pass approved in company B,now im going to give notice of current job .

I look FAQ in ICA If change job ,need to submit 
1) Employment letter
2) Annex A form in new company
3)Spass front & Back

Do I need  to submit these all documents before join the new company ?   (Or)

Do I have any time period after I join there?
Dineshkumar: I am not sure, so better ask ICA. They usually respond quickly!