What is termed a good salary in Belgium for a family of 3

Received an offer of 60,000euros annually to work in Belgium. We are in two minds as we are a family of three. Apart from that we have a financial commitment back here in our home base where we need to take out 900 euros every month from the monthly salary. Now do you think we can manage smoothly if we be cautious of our expenses in Belgium with the salary we have. I am a dependant and so is my 9 year old.


this topic gets discussed very often in the forum. You can find a lot of useful info in the existing threads.

Please go through:

Research the average family income in Belgium. Then consider the salary offer way higher than that.

Thank you for your response. However, I need your personal view on this. What's your thoughts? I just need to gather info and figure out if we are making the right move as we have a financial commitment here.

Personal Views of many members are discussed in those threads. You have the numbers in front of you. Define your priorities, calculate your expenses and expected savings, do the math and there you go :) good luck with everything !

In my view, I weigh a lot of things above money - healthcare, quality of life, career goals, work life balance, pollution level, etc etc etc. And I am happy about my decision that I made years back, to move here.

The level of financial support fpr a family of 3 here without personal income is about 1300 per month or 14.5k per year. Many families live on this level of income.

Now you're concerned by the offer of 60k gross which is likely going  to be around 35k-40k net per year?

A general salary in belgium per year is 25k / 30k in this range... there are earning lesser or more of course.. but if your income is 25k euroa year then your quiet in stable position if your focus in your own life with your bills, life cost and such and not just giving your money away to support other family members.

minimum monthly income in Belgium 38h a week is around 1300 euros (monthly)

Thank you Belgian waffle 92 for your response.  Thank you everyone, I managed to get the answer plus the company has offered us the benefits we were looking for so yeah we are moving to Belgium. Yay! The only hassle now I see is finding an ideal public school for my daughter and thereafter finding an apartment close to it. Any pointers? Am currently eyeing on College Saint Pierre in Uccle. Is it a public school?

@curry lover I was concerned because we have a financial commitment back home where we have to spare 1000 euros every month for it. So if we are getting roughly 3400 we need to manage with 2400 which is why we were calculating and planning if this is a risk worth willing to take. Hence had to ask for your opinion. Cheers!

Minimum monthly income is actually just under 1600 euro per month, not 1300. That is gross.

There are 2 St Pierre schools 2.5-12 in Uccle so you have to do more homework. Please don't follow a "name" for a school. Choose from amongst the nearest schools. Interested why you have named only 2 schools in Brussels amongst 330. Why not the other 328? Checked if places in either St Pierre school?

I was aiming to NET and not to GROSS.
1560 euro GROS is lesser then 1300 NET and what she is asking is what she will get... Why i give her a answer on the question so she would not be suprised.

Suggest you to find a home near School, Store's, work and public transportation.
Living in the centrum is mostly a higher cost in rent, so you better weigh and see what is best for you and as mentioned don't focus on a school yet, find first your City you wanna live in first... Then you can gather more information.

Northern part of Belgium is Flamish ( Belgium-Dutch) and speaks well English aswell.
Southern part is French (Brussells mostly to) but English is such a hard time in there.
Hope you find what you need, wish you the best with your journey.

I do advice you to do also bit research on Google to gather more information for yourself.


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