Here is the situation:
I am an ESL teacher from Canada who is currently living abroad in Thailand. I have recently accepted a fantastic university teaching position in Saudi Arabia however I have been experiencing some unforeseen problems regarding degree attestation.
I have both a BA and an MA degree issued from Thompson Rivers University and Athabasca University respectively. My BA was partially completed through distance education since I finished somewhat later in my life and had to continue working while finishing it. My MA was entirely acquired on-line via distance education. However that said, It should be noted that Athabasca University is an internationally accredited university and AU is a publicly funded post-secondary institution, one of four public comprehensive universities in the Province of Alberta, Canada. In other words, It's reputation is not under question.
Now, I'm aware that the Saudi Cultural Bureau is one of two locations I must send my degree for attestation if I am to acquire the Saudi Arabian employment visa. However, I wrote to them directly and asked about the state of my Athabasca degree and I was sure to mention the accreditation of the university in my note.
However, this is what they had to say;
''Dear Jessica,
Thank you for contacting the Saudi Arabian Cultural Bureau.
We regret to inform you that due to the mode of study, your degree from Athabasca University will not be attested by the Cultural Bureau. If you have obtained other degrees from other Canadian Institutions with a Full time, on campus mode of study you are welcome to submit them for attestation.
Should you require further assistance do not hesitate to contact me.
Thank you for your understanding."
Needless to say I am very dismayed by this turn of invents. I am alarmed that the Saudi Bureau remains unwilling to consider the specifics of the granting universities and that I am being clearly penalized for the mode of study alone! This would never knowing be allowed in Canada and yet this is a Canadian KSA Bureau making such a statement. Can they even do this legally? If the degree is a valid degree from a valid institution; aren't they obligated to attest it provided all documents are submitted? Any advice would be greatly appreciated as this is not just my problem but a potential problem for anyone with a degree which includes any online credits. Thanks in advance.